Selic announcement; errors in system approval

Find out what will be in the news this Wednesday (21) and what was highlighted yesterday (20)
Canal Solar Solar News Anúncio da Selic; erros na homologação de sistemas
Copom begins sixth meeting of the year to define basic interest rates. Photo: Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil

Stay tuned: Selic rate and the solar energy market. Most common mistakes when approving a project. Microgeneration projects are the majority in Brazil. Proenergia Summit 2022 takes place in Fortaleza (CE) and its central theme is the energy transition. 16th edition of the GD Norte Forum will be held in Palmas (TO). Check out:

Copom (Monetary Policy Committee) should publish the basic interest rate, the Selic, today (21) in the afternoon. The expectation is that the monetary authority can end the cycle of rate hikes, which currently stands at 13.75% per year.

The Selic rate directly impacts the solar energy market. This is because about 57% of sales of photovoltaic systems in the country for the DG segment (distributed generation) are carried out through lines of credit.

And for those who want to install a solar energy system, the professor Dirceu Ferreira, a specialist in energy generation and distribution, listed the most common mistakes when approving photovoltaic projects during the webinar on Tuesday (20). Watch.

99.2% of solar DG systems in Brazil has a power of up to 75 kW

Currently, the country has 1.25 million solar energy systems in operation in the distributed generation, of which more than 99.2% (1.24 million) come from microgeneration projects, according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

– Most of these systems are installed in residences (991.1 thousand), followed by establishments commercials (140.2 thousand) and rural (94.8 thousand).

Thinking about the expansion of photovoltaic sources in the rural sector and aiming to bring more savings to rural producers, the Senate will analyze PL 2,458/2022, which alleviates the electricity bill of family farming properties that use energy from solar microgenerators.

– The proposal expands these subsidies until 2045 to family farmers and participants in the CadÚnico that invest in photovoltaic solar generation.

ANEEL approves addition of location sign in TUST calculation

A ANEEL approved the new TUST and TUSD calculation methodology for power plants generation connected at 88 kV and 138 kV (TUSD-g).

– Over five tariff cycles, from 2023 and until 2028, the gradual intensification of the location signal will be promoted.

– The new methodology will begin to be applied in tariff cycle 2023/2024, in which 90% of the calculation will follow the previous cost accounting and 10%, the calculation guided by the intensification of location sign.

Proenergia Summit 2022 has as its central theme the energy transition

A 4th edition of Proenergia Summit 2022 will take place at the Ceará Events Center, in Fortaleza (CE) and will bring together important names in the energy sector. The event will be held on the days September 21st and 22nd and will have as its central theme the energy transition and market news.

– The event is being organized by the Union of Energy and Services Industries of the Electrical Sector of the State of Ceará (Sindienergia-CE), and will feature highly relevant names in the solar energy sector, such as: Adolfo Sachsida, Minister of Mines and Energy; Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of Absolar; Eduardo Ricotta, president of Vestas; and Armando Abreu, president of Qair.

16th GD Norte Forum will be held in Palmas (TO)

O 16th GD North Forum aims to share knowledge, generate interactions and business opportunities for the photovoltaic sector Of region. The fair will be held on the 21st and 22nd of September, at the Crystal Hall space in Palmas (TO) and will also be broadcast via digital platforms.

– Topics such as design considerations and application of components of a DG/PV system, challenges in the DG market, trends in the DG market after the entry into force of the Law No. 14,300, in addition to fire prevention technologies.

Solar lamps were activated on the MS-156 highway

In a project developed by the Government of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, LED lamps powered by solar energy were installed on 12 kilometers of the highway MS-156.

– This Wednesday (21), the official inauguration will be held, with the presence of governor Reinaldo Azambuja. In total, around 730 luminaires with 100 W of power and 50 thousand hours of useful life were installed.

– The investment was R$ 4.2 million and covers the cities of Dourados and Itaporã. The system has been in operation since last week.

And today there's Solar Talk!

Jean Diniz, director of customer experience at Solarview, spoke with the journalist Ericka Araújo about the solar energy market and how automation can optimize the monitoring processes of photovoltaic systems. Stay tuned that the episode will be released at 6pm on our YouTube channel.

See you next time and happy Wednesday!

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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