Contributions to remote GD point to acceleration of mergers and acquisitions

According to Greener, market growth should require investment of R$ 15 billion in the coming months
The scenario is stimulated by the entry into force of the legal framework for distributed generation. Photo: Reproduction

The Brazilian market for remote GD (distributed generation) of photovoltaic solar energy experienced strong expansion in the first half of this year.

And this movement, which tends to accelerate even more in the coming months, according to Greener, has also awakened an expressive interest of national and foreign investors attentive to the potential of this sector.

Given this scenario, a survey carried out by the company indicated that such market growth must require investments of around R$ 15 billion, which will largely be carried out through mergers and acquisitions, mainly in the segment of renewable energy.

The company has observed this trend not only through its studies, but also through increased demand for your consultancy services.

Recently, for example, to complete an investment of R$ 460 million in Órigo, a solar DG company from Minas Gerais, the North American manager Augment Infrastructure hired a consultancy project.

“This scenario is largely stimulated by the entry into force of the legal framework for distributed generation, which valued assets and companies that are attracting great attention from international players”, observed Marcio Takata, director of Greener.

He added that the contributions planned for remote DG are mainly intended for construction of at least 3.9 GW of solar plants by 2024. “The objective of this expansion is to serve energy consumers, especially in the retail and services sector, interested in reducing expenses through subscription solar”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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