Apple is 100% renewable and challenges suppliers

The company committed to investing alone $ 2.5 billion in CO2 reduction programs

The giant electronics manufacturer, which produces the renowned iPhone, iPad and McBook, launched an environmental responsibility program in 2007, with the objective of having 100% of the energy consumed in its operations produced by renewable energy sources, mainly solar photovoltaic and wind. After meeting the target in 2018, the company turned its efforts to its suppliers, encouraging them to use renewable energy in the energy consumed to manufacture the components that go into its products.

Following the announcement of the United States' withdrawal from the Paris treaty, the company committed to investing alone $ 2.5 billion in CO reduction programs2 and climate change. According to the company's vice president of environmental and social issues, Lisa Jackson, to supply all of the company's facilities in 43 different countries with renewable energy, including stores, data centers, offices and the administrative headquarters in Cupertino, California, It took leadership and a lot of effort. According to her, the use of renewable energy enabled a reduction in CO2 emissions in its operations by more than 54% and prevented the numbers from rising over the years.


Figure 1 – 17 MWp solar photovoltaic plant installed at its administrative headquarters in Cupertino-CA.

Domestic target achieved, the company now focuses its efforts on its suppliers and partners. More than 48 suppliers in its 71 manufacturing plants have joined the program, investing in the installation of large photovoltaic and wind projects totaling more than 485 MW. With this initiative, Apple and its suppliers must achieve a reduction in CO emissions2 in about a third of all their operations by 2020. Other large companies are expected to follow this trend. According to Jackson, Apple created an example for people and companies to follow.


Figure 2 – iPad assembler photovoltaic plant in China, generating 100% of energy consumed in the line dedicated to Apple products.


Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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