Energy storage to counter energy shortages and surges

Using stored energy is a great option to avoid leaving anything idle.
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Canal Solar Armazenamento de energia limpa para conter a escassez e a alta nos custos da energia
Energy storage to mitigate future problems. Photo: malp

It is public knowledge that the current war between Russia and Ukraine has caused energy shortages in the European market. Along with the shortage, naturally comes the increase charged per kWh for the supply of electrical energy, considering all the sources used to supply these countries.

In a cascade effect, in addition to harming residential, commercial and industrial consumers, price increases contribute strongly to rising inflation rates throughout the economy. Unfortunately, the biggest losers in the above scenario are low-income families who naturally see their purchasing power for basic items reduced.

Certainly, this is not a peculiarity of the European market. What is causing the shortage and increase in energy prices in the above mentioned is the current war. However, this is not the only thing that can cause similar problems, as countries that invest little in their energy matrices They may also experience problems of the same nature.

For this reason, it is extremely important that countries never neglect their energy security and growth plans. This way, whether due to war, climate disasters or something similar, countries are ready to quickly mitigate the harmful effects that are missing and/or rising energy cost, can cause in nations.

Energy storage to mitigate future problems

One way to minimize the lack or increase in energy costs for residential, commercial, industrial consumers and the entire public service network are energy solutions. energy storage (ESS – in the English acronym).

With ESS solutions, the surplus energy produced during periods of peak solar photovoltaic generation it can be stored and used according to the need and convenience of the moment.

The idea of using stored energy when you need it most, whether due to temporary blackouts, complete unavailability or even maintenance on the electrical grid, is a great option for not leaving anything idle. In terms of economics, the same stored energy can be used at peak times, when the price per kWh charged by energy utilities is much higher than normal.

It is estimated that the battery energy storage increase exponentially in the coming years as more renewable energy is connected to each country's electrical grids. It is also worth highlighting that the advent of electric mobilities, in general, will be very important catalysts for us to see a boom in this ESS market.

Technology manufacturers and energy market experts report that accelerated growth and evolution of technology is underway, as well as an increase in ESS installations around the world.

In the next two to three years approximately, it is estimated that the ESS market will be around 45 GWh of storage capacity. Among several manufacturers of technology hybrid inverters and ESS, SAJ offers different solutions to meet the needs and demands of this market.

Picture of Alysson Camilo
Alysson Camilo
Graduated in Business Administration, postgraduate in Strategic Business Management from Mackenzie University and also with academic training in Australia between 2000 and 2002. He has been operating in the Brazilian solar photovoltaic market since 2013. He had an important participation in the startups of ABB, Renesola and Astronergy /CHINT for the local market.

2 Responses

  1. Excellent article on energy storage. The author demonstrates knowledge in the solar sector and addresses a sensitive and very current topic.

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