Storage and hybrid inverters close Canal Conecta 

Canal Solar’s first congress brought together around 400 people in person over two days of event
Armazenamento e inversores híbridos encerram Canal Conecta
Panel discussion on hybrid inverters. Photo: Canal Solar

With collaboration of Mateus Badra

O first congress idealized by Solar Channel, which brought together around 400 people in person over two days of event, came to an end with lectures held in the late afternoon of this Tuesday (29), The debates involved topics related to energy storage and hybrid inverters. 

Around 4pm, Glaysson de Mello, EPE researcher (Energy Research Company), emphasized the role of what he called “distributed storage”. “That is: batteries, mainly, on a small scale.” 

“We talk about what has happened in recent years in terms of capacity and cost, as well as trends for the coming years, always focusing on studies for the medium and long term, and on applications, seeing whether in certain areas they are economically viable or not”, he explained. 

Furthermore, Mello specifically commented on the vision of the cost part. “Today, the price is still very high and the trend is downward. But what will be the fall? And given this drop, what can we expect to further develop the battery market?”

Glaysson de Mello, EPE researcher, on the Canal Conecta stage. Photo: Canal Solar 

“They will probably be an important piece, mainly because it is a technology that does not emit greenhouse gases. And as we saw at COP-27, it is important to create energy sources that do not emit gases”, he pointed out. 

Therefore, in order for the battery market to take off, the researcher believes that progress needs to be made on the regulatory side at some points and also on the tax side, as the incidence of taxes on imported batteries is very high. 

Hybrid inverters

Finallym, to conclude the event, Canal Conecta also held a panel discussion on hybrid inverters and which was attended by renowned professionals from the national photovoltaic sector.

Ministered by Bruno Kikumoto, director of Canal Solar, the debate table included Marcelo Villalva, director of LESF (Unicamp Energy and Photovoltaic Systems Laboratory); Alexandre Borin, Commercial Director at Canadian Solar; It is Guilherme Peterlini, Vice Manager of Services at Growatt.

“In this panel, we present the main solutions that are emerging on the market and the challenge that integrators will face from now on, which is to actually calculate the entire load and the entire sizing of the system,” said Borin.

“These are challenges that are a little different from the traditional, from what is today simply connecting to the network. Not now! The integrator will have to have a much more in-depth load study, even in residential projects”, he highlighted.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.
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