Large-scale storage opens 2nd day of Canal Conecta 

Congress will continue with lectures throughout the day at the UNICAMP Convention Center
Armazenamento em grande escala abre 2º dia do Canal Conecta
Rogerio Costa, sales manager at You.On, on the Canal Conecta stage. Photo: Canal Solar

O second and last day of Canal Conecta, congress created by Solar Channel, started this Tuesday (29) with one lecture on large-scale energy storage on the stage of the UNICAMP Convention Center (State University of Campinas). 

The presentation was led by Rogerio Costa, sales manager at You.On, which showed the public more details about the energy market and what to expect in 2023 in terms of capacity auctions and improvement of increase in technology in isolated systems.

“Today is that story. We have the renewable source and, consequently, the energy, but we do not have the available power. In other words, with storage, we seek that renewable sources also bring us the power necessary to be used in our daily lives”, explained Costa.  

The sales manager also took the opportunity to show the public details of one of the first large battery projects in Brazil and aimed at the supply and installation of a storage complex supporting the Registration substation (SP). 

Audience listens to a talk by the You.On sales manager. Photo: Canal Solar

First day

In total, the first day of Canal Conecta was attended by around 500 participants, who signed up to follow the event both in person and online.

The morning period focused on presentations related to Law 14,300, with a lecture given by lawyer Pedro Dante it is a discussion panel with renowned professionals. 

The rest of the day was reserved for debates regarding other subjects, such as floating solar plants, climate change and sales in the photovoltaic sector. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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