Association of engineers joins solar energy signature

It is estimated that the reduction in the entity's electricity consumption will be close to 11%
Associação de engenheiros em Sorocaba (SP) adere à assinatura de energia solar
Photo: Government of the State of São Paulo

A AEAS (Association of Engineers and Architects of Sorocaba) announced that it has joined Sun Mobi's solar energy subscription plan to acquire credits from the company's photovoltaic plant, located in Araçoiaba da Serra (SP). 

Furthermore, the association installed an artificial intelligence device that monitors the location's electricity consumption in real time. 

The measure aims to reduce the electricity bill during the increase in energy tariffs, in addition to avoiding wastage of electricity throughout the operation. It is estimated that the reduction in the entity's electricity consumption will be close to 11%. 

The technology, developed by the company, monitors electricity consumption and issues alerts when peak consumption of electrical appliances is reached, in addition to generating reports that record user behavior in relation to energy expenditure while using the equipment.

“More than half of our customers have already taken measures to reduce consumption. In practice, the use of solar energy and our monitoring device reflects a large measure of energy efficiency implemented in homes, businesses, industries and properties”, explains Alexandre Bueno, managing partner of Sun Mobi.

Electrical engineer Heverton Bacca Sanches, president of AEAS Sorocaba, highlighted that the moment is favorable to think about solar energy, since, this year, president Jair Bolsonaro created the GD Legal Framework (distributed generation)

“Low voltage residential and commercial consumers have one year to escape the distribution fee until 2045. If they carry out their photovoltaic projects by 2023, they will pay a progressive fee until 2045, if they can install the photovoltaic generator with the solar modules, inverter and everything else to generate their own energy, and they must do this and approve it with the distributor by 01/06/2023”, said Bacca.

Picture of Stella Miranda
Stella Miranda
Producer of Canal Responde and Solar em 60. She has experience in podcast production, preparation of journalistic articles, interviews and radio production. Student of Journalism at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.

2 Responses

  1. Like Marco Polo, I am also outraged by this law, and to justify its implementation, the entity that represents solar energy itself says that this landmark creates legal credibility. I imagine it is to protect large foreign capital. The second observation is: how can an entity of engineers take a “big” initiative to rent part of a plant and reduce only 11% of its consumption and think it is a big deal. Friends engineers and architects, change president urgently!!

  2. This GD Legal Framework favors who? I understand that after 01/06/2023 when the law comes into force, only mega plants will be able to pay the fees imposed by ANEL, to the detriment of micro and mini plants. This law takes away rights and values from us Brazilians and hands them over to big foreign capital. It is a declaration of stupidity from a poor people.

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