Solar sector associations meet with MME representatives

In Brasília (DF), entities have been negotiating agendas in favor of distributed generation since the beginning of the week
Associações do setor solar se reúnem com representantes do MME
Solar sector associations in meeting with the MME. Photo: Instagram / ANESOLAR

The president of ANESOLAR (Northeastern Solar Energy Association), Daniel Lima, and the founder of MSL (Free Solar Movement Association), Hewerton Martins, gathered with MME representatives (Ministry of Mines and Energy), this Thursday (15), for strengthen relationships Against the regulation of Law 14,300 published by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency). 

Since the beginning of the week, the executives negotiate with parliamentarians a movement in favor of what they call “defense of the law from Brazilian to continue being able to generate your own energy through the sun”, as Martins explained, in an interview with Solar Channel

“There were two days of work in Congress, where we spoke with deputies, senators and now with representatives of the MME”, he stated.

“Our intention was to show the importance of DG (distributed generation) for the economy, income generation and jobs, in addition to presenting to all of them that what ANEEL proposed was not clearly foreseen in the law to the point that the Agency interpreted and charged other items on consumers’ electricity bills”, he added. 

Martins also revealed that the entities have already obtained the support of some parliamentarians as well as federal deputies, Celso Russomanno (Republicanos/SP); Lafayette de Andrada (Republicans/MG); Danilo Forte (União Brasil/CE) and Cleitinho Azevedo (Republicanos/MG), for the cause.

You parliamentarians would also have, according to Martins, if sensitized in favor of voting and approval of PL 2703/2022 in the Senate, which provides for the extension of the deadline for entry of the new energy compensation rules defined in the Law 14,300.

“Several deputies from different parties are passionate about defending small solar energy generation”, guaranteed the founder of the MSL. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. Thank you MSL and ANESOLAR for representing and fighting for the needs of the sector in a non-partisan manner with the government and grateful for CANALSOLAR keeping us updated on the topic.

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