Northeastern associations debate practices carried out in the solar sector  

Entities representing the sector in the region were present on the first day of Canal Conecta
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Associações nordestinas debatem práticas realizadas em prol do setor solar  
Representatives of northeastern solar energy associations at Canal Conecta. Photo: Canal Solar

O first day from the 3rd edition of Connect Channel, congress created by Solar Channel, began this Tuesday (14), in Recife (PE), and one of the highlighted lectures involved the panorama of the solar energy market in North East under the from the perspective of associations. 

On stage were presented sector data and perspectives in the region, as well as importance of the work of these entities for the development of the northeastern solar energy sector. 

Initially, the executives clarified that associations are entities that promote the adoption of the source, bringing together common interests of companies, consumers and investors, and being responsible for offering a fundamental role in defense of policies that favor the sector. 

Bayron Silveira, president of APBSOLAR (Paraibana Solar Energy Association), explained that the associations are today a important legal support tool for local integrators, as they mediate conversations with regulatory agencies, assisting in cases that violate, for example, aspects of Law 14,300/2022. 

“In terms of training integrators, we always try to level the performance of these professionals so that everyone can have healthy growth and contribute to the growth of DG (distributed generation) in their respective states,” he said. 

O executive also highlighted that these entities have also achieved increasing relevance in the political sphere. “Our association, for example, has a great relationship with the State Government, which allows us to dialogue and achieve some successes within the public policy segment”, he highlighted. 

“Recently, we obtained the IPVA exemption for electric vehicles, which helps to stimulate the growth of electric mobility and consequently enable integrators to work on the integration of charging stations”, he commented. 

Actions cover different spheres 

Cassio Maia, president of APER (Associação Potiguar de Energias Renováveis), highlighted that the actions of the associations cover different spheres of the solar energy market, since “there is no point in having a very strong leg and having the others lag behind”, he stated. 

"We have actions in conjunction with concessionaires, credit agents and also in Brasília (DF), where we work in partnership with our parliamentary front so that we can build initiatives for bills and whatever else is necessary for the federal capital to be a space to support renewable energy”, he highlighted. 

The executive also explains that, within the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the association has also focused efforts in professional training actions in the solar sector, especially with partnerships, including that of SENAI (National Industrial Learning Service). 

“With it, we seek business training in management so that companies acquire the necessary maturity to be, in fact, sustainable and be able to bring good products and services to their customers,” he said. 

Lots of growing 

Rudinei Miranda, president of UNRENEWABLE (Associação Pernambucana de Energias Renováveis), used part of his speech to highlight some numbers from the solar energy sector in the Northeast, highlighting not only the strength of the source in the region, with great growth prospects for the future. 

“Pernambuco, for example, has an estimated population of 9.5 million inhabitants and around 2.5 million homes. That is, we have potential customers to be served with solar energy”, began the explanation. 

“Within this total, we have 85 thousand plants installed and which today benefit more than 170 thousand users. Furthermore, we have more than 3 million vehicles in the state. In other words, they are future fleets for the electric mobility market”, he continued. 

“With this, we have a market to be polished ahead, with several models to be developed. Pernambuco is a large, complex state with a lot of room for investment in renewable energy, especially solar energy”, he concluded. 

Constant contact with dealerships 

Another action that has become increasingly common to be carried out by northeastern solar energy associations has been constant conversations in favor of improvements to the solar sector with electricity distributors, especially involving problems related to flow reversal. 

Marcos Rêgo, president of ABS (Baiana Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), highlighted that the entity says that the entity has sought invest in the relationship with the local dealership, because “we feel that one of the main bottlenecks of our sector is the relationship with Neoenergia Coelba", he said 

We have created a relationship to bring improvements to processes and the experience of the dealership's end user. Bahia is a major player in the Brazilian solar market and the association is becoming increasingly stronger today,” he added. 

Creation of ANER 

During the panel discussion, the solar energy sector associations also announced the creation of ANER (National Renewable Energy Association) – which will encompass all associations in Brazil in favor of the continuous development of clean sources. 

“All (the states) together will have the same level of management to disseminate best practices for the development of the sector, so that, for example, a good action carried out in Paraíba can be taken to be used in Pernambuco and so on. We are launching ANER tomorrow (15th)”, he revealed Francisco Vidigal, vice president of AMESOLAR (Maranhense Association of Solar and Renewable Energies).

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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