Hearing will discuss problems reported against distributors

Delayed PV projects and undue charges on the electricity bill are some of the complaints made by consumers
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10-06-22-canal-solar-Audiência irá discutir problemas relatados contra distribuidoras
“Photovoltaic projects are being sabotaged in Brazil”, says Hewerton Martins. Photo: Envato Elements

As reported by Canal Solar, the delay in the approval of photovoltaic systems is harming consumers, who are registering several complaints against electrical energy distributors.

A Solar Entrepreneur Association, in fact, received protocols from several integrators, through the tool Reclame Solar, also complaining that their projects are late, that there are undue charges on the electricity bill and that the credits are disappearing from the energy bill.

Due to this scenario, on June 22nd, at 9am, a public hearing with ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), associations and some distributors to obtain answers regarding the losses caused to professionals in the sector.

“We are making a general invitation to integrators. Our objective is to have 200 people in person at the hearing and mobilize state deputies, as there is abuse in Brazil by distributors. Solar projects are being sabotaged,” he said Hewerton Martins, president of the Solar Entrepreneur Association.

Complaints were directed to the federal deputy Celso Russomanno (Republicans/SP), which has already carried out a first hearing to deal with the matter and was responsible for requesting the meeting that will take place at the end of the month.

During this first meeting, he criticized the Agency, highlighted the importance of solar energy in the global energy matrix and emphasized the problems that end consumers are experiencing. “There are people waiting for 120 days”, he emphasized.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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