Authorities debate proposals to create the hydrogen legal framework

MME and governor of Piauí discuss improving the energy matrix with low-carbon emission fuels
28-09-23-canal-solar-Autoridades debatem propostas para criação do marco legal do hidrogênio
Meeting held this week between authorities. Photo: Ricardo Botelho/MME

Develop a legal framework for the hydrogen in low emission in carbon at the Brazil, in particular alternatives to foster the creation of demands that can anchor H2V (green hydrogen) production projects and its derivatives, including ammonia and methanol.

This was the objective of a meeting what happened this week between Thiago Barral, National Secretary for Energy Transition and Planning of the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy), and Rafael Fonteles, governor of Piauí.

Barral highlighted that the ministry is working to expand the number of production projects and the use of hydrogen eligible to access financing and have an environment of legal security for investment.

According to the MME, this effort reflects the strategy of PNH2 (National Hydrogen Program), which aims to enable the consolidation of Brazil as a highly competitive country in the global context and capable of establishing large production and demand hubs. At the meeting, possibilities for additional incentive policies and the improvement of existing incentives were also discussed.

FIESP, FIEC, ABSOLAR and ABEEÓLICA sign agreement to accelerate H2V market

The Government of Piauí has promoted the state as a destination for company investment to produce H2V. During the meeting, Fonteles emphasized the importance of public policies at federal and state level to ensure the use of the country's potential and presented suggestions to the MME.

The meeting aimed to support the proposal of a bill text for the low-carbon hydrogen market, currently under discussion within the scope of PNH2, under the coordination of the MME, with the participation of other ministries, in addition to EPE (Company of Energy Research), ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) and ANP (National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels).

Expansion of renewables using H2V

Also this week, Alexandre Silveira, Minister of Mines and Energy, participated in an event to sign a memorandum of understanding between the Northeast Consortium and the World Bank.

The terms of the memorandum, according to the Ministry, indicate collaboration between the two entities through the development of financial mechanisms to enable projects related to the expansion of renewable energy with the use of green hydrogen.

According to Silveira, this partnership strengthens public policies already developed by the Federal Government. “The Ministry of Mines and Energy has already been developing policies for the development of low-carbon hydrogen in Brazil.”

“This agreement is another opportunity for us to have greater energy security in Brazil, for new jobs and for the decarbonization of industry and transport,” he said. The signed agreement also seeks to build new value chains in the states, transforming the Northeast into a hub for the green economy.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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