Tariff flag remains green in August, announces ANEEL

The Agency's expectation is that this scenario will be maintained until the end of the year
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Bandeira tarifária continua verde em agosto, anuncia ANEEL
According to the Agency, the permanence is due to the favorable generation conditions in the country. Photo: ANEEL/Reproduction

The tariff flag for the month of August will remain green, according to an announcement released by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

With the maintenance of the tariff flag, which has been established since April last year, there will be no additional charges on bills of electrical energy for Brazilian consumers.

According to the Agency, the permanence is due to the favorable generation conditions in the country.

The general director of ANEEL, Sandoval Feitosa, highlighted that “the announcement of the green flag by ANEEL confirms the projections made, still in 2022, that the year 2023 would not see an increase in the tariff due to the activation of the flags. It is important for reducing companies’ costs and bringing more comfort to families’ domestic budgets.”

ANEEL's expectation is that this scenario will be maintained until the end of the year, based on available data that allows the permanent updating of forecasts for the activation of tariff flags.

The green flag, valid for all consumers in the SIN (National Interconnected System), reflects the improvement in hydroelectric reservoir levels. The SIN is the network of transmission lines that takes electrical energy from plants to consumers.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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