Hydroelectric dam partially fails in Rio Grande do Sul

The rupture occurred in the municipality of Cotiporã, in Serra Gaúcha, in the early afternoon of this Thursday (2)
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Barragem de hidrelétrica se rompe parcialmente no Rio Grande do Sul
Civil Defense reported that it had been warning about the rise in river levels due to heavy rains. Photo: Diego Vara/Agência Brasil/Reproduction

Part of dam from the 14 de Julho hydroelectric plant, located in the municipality of Cotiporã (RS), in Serra Gaúcha, broke early this afternoon Thursday (2).

In a note, the CERAN (Companhia Energética Rio das Antas) reported that it detected the Partial failure of the dam at 1:40 pm. 

The company highlighted that a emergency action plan was already in place since Wednesday (1st), with the activation of evacuation sirens in the area, so that the local population could be evacuated in advance.

In a video released on social media, Governor Eduardo Leite stated that, according to technicians, the collapse should not cause “the devastation of a flood”. 

Even so, The population of the cities below the rupture site should feel the effects of the increase in the level of the Taquari river. 

“We tried to do all the work possible to avoid the collapse, but due to the volume of water we were unable to access the dam with the helicopters mobilized to take the technicians”, commented Leite.

Residents must leave risk areas

In a note, the Civil defense state reported which had already been warning the population to raise river levels due to heavy rain that have been affecting the state since last Friday (24) and that, with the support of other public bodies, are removing families that remained in risk areas.

“The express guidance is that residents of the municipalities of Santa Tereza, Muçum, Roca Sales, Arroio do Meio, Encantado, Colinas and Lajeado leave risk areas and look for public shelters or another safe place to stay during the rise in levels. Taquari River”, warned the Civil Defense.

Chaos scenario

The consequences of heavy rains that punish Rio Grande do Sul since last Friday (24) have already caused at least 24 deaths in the State. 

To date, more than 130 city halls have reported losses resulting from flooding, river overflows, landslides or other consequences of rain and river flooding. In total, more than 14,500 people have already had to leave their homes.

This Wednesday (1st), late in the afternoon, Governor Eduardo Leite used words such as “war” and “chaos scenario” to express what he classified as “a very, very critical moment” for the State.

During a press interview, Leite stated that the situation is expected to worsen in the coming days, as the forecast is that it will continue to rain heavily in much of the state at least until Sunday (5).

With information from Agência Brasil 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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