Batteries arrive in Brazil to innovate in the solar market

The container uses Lithium iron phosphate batteries that have a long life cycle and a high density
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Store solar energy on a large scale. This is the difference of ESS Container, a system that arrives in Brazil to innovate in the photovoltaic market. According to BYD, the company responsible for selling the equipment, it is capable of housing a large number of batteries, making it possible to program energy use at night, on cloudy and rainy days and also reduce consumption during peak hours.

The container It uses lithium iron phosphate batteries that have a long life cycle and high energy density, being able, for example, to supply 100 homes for two full days. According to BYD, the equipment also generates energy according to the need for use, has On Grid and Off grid applications and AVC and AGC frequency modulation, in addition to enabling better electrical infrastructure conditions in remote locations and having a storage system that serves different industrial segments.

The first large-scale project that used the ESS Container was a plant created for a condominium of residential houses, a partnership between Alsol and Cemig. When our research and development project with Cemig began to be developed, we chose to make the first purchase of lithium iron storage batteries. It is a pioneering initiative”, stated Gustavo Malagoli Buiatti, founder and CTO of Alsol.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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