BN Engenharia enters the solar energy market

Construction company expects to earn R$ 1 billion this year, growth of 42.8% compared to 2022
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Construction company won the bid from SPIC Brasil. Photo: Absolar/Disclosure

The construction company BN Engenharia marked its entry into the photovoltaic plant construction market after winning, in partnership with Motrice Soluções em Energia, the competition from the Chinese SPIC Brasil, to build 738 MW of installed power in the states of Ceará and Piauí.

The achievement to build these new solar parks is the first step in the company's strategic planning, through structured partnerships, operate in the markets of industrial works, airports, metro stations, sanitation, wind generation and transmission.

In partnership with Canadian Solar, SPIC Brasil will invest more than R$ 2 billion in solar plants with a generation capacity of 738 MW of power. The largest project, the Marangatu project, is located in the municipality of Brasileira (PI) and will have an installed capacity of 446 MW of power. The smallest, called Panati-Sitiá, is in Jaguaretama (CE) and will have 292 MWp of installed capacity.

The projects are among the largest in the solar generation segment in Brazil, covering an area of approximately 2,200 hectares, with the capacity to generate electricity equivalent to the annual consumption of more than 900 thousand homes.

“We know that solar energy is a fundamental source for the energy transition towards a low-carbon economy. SPIC already has extensive experience in implementing solar projects, being one of the main competitors in the sector in the world. This acquisition marks the company's first solar project in Brazil and the partnership with Canadian Solar is strategic, given its experience and pioneering spirit in solar projects. Together the projects will generate more than 4 thousand jobs, direct and indirect, at the peak of construction”, states Leandro Alves, Director of Renewable Operations at SPIC Brasil.

With these new contracts, BN Engenharia expects to earn just over R$ 1 billion in 2023, compared to R$ 700 million in 2022, growth of 42.8%.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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