BNDES announces that it will be carbon neutral by 2050

During COP-27, bank releases document with strategic planning to achieve net-zero
18-11-22-canal-solar- BNDES anuncia que será neutro em carbono até 2050
BNDES bets on sustainability. Photo: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

O BNDES published in COP-27, which is being held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, a document with its climate commitments.

In alignment with Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC – in Portuguese Nationally Determined Contribution), he highlighted that it will be carbon neutral by 2050.

The bank stated that it is the first to do so among international development banks and comprehensively to all operations.

To make this commitment, they released the document “Climate and development – BNDES's contribution to a fair transition”, in which it organizes the actions, approved in the strategic planning, that are being and will be taken to achieve net-zero.

“The commitments will be recorded for all of the bank's businesses, including the direct and indirect credit portfolio and shareholdings”, explained Bruno Aranha, director of Productive and Social Environmental Credit.

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“In addition to being carbon neutral in all operations by 2050, our new projects will have their emissions inventories detailed and will be neutralized in due course,” he added.

According to the institution, contributions to climate and development are aligned with the national climate strategy, with results in the most diverse sectors, such as energy, logistics and urban mobility, for example.


The document also had the technical support of WayCarbon, a technology-based and strategic consultancy company with an exclusive focus on sustainability and climate change, made possible through a partnership between BNDES and UK Pact (British Government).

“Financial institutions have a responsibility to contribute to climate justice, also analyzing the climate risks of the financed projects and, consequently, their impact on the respective territory”, assessed Laura Albuquerque, senior consultancy manager at WayCarbon.

“This project with BNDES should become a global reference in fair climate transition through the engagement of companies in the direct credit portfolio and the definition of goals and strategies for the transition to net-zero, in addition to the mobilization of public and private financial agents to present inventory of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions”, he highlighted.

BNDES strategies

According to the document, to achieve these climate transition commitments, transversal strategies and specific strategies for key sectors were also outlined.

Cross-cutting strategies include seeking the engagement of companies and financial institutions that transfer BNDES resources, both in relation to the preparation of GHG emissions inventories, as well as the definition of goals and incorporation of good climate-related practices.

Sectoral strategies complement transversal approaches. Actions focused on the energy sector include: support for the decarbonization of the Brazilian energy matrix through energy efficiency projects and the production and use of biogas and biomethane.

Furthermore, they include generation from renewable sources, such as the structuring of green hydrogen projects for domestic and international consumption, as well as the promotion of carbon capture and storage technologies (CCUS) in biogas/biomethane activities.

The theme of electrification and use of renewable sources in railway logistics and urban mobility will be one of the central topics of BNDES's work in the logistics and mobility sector, as well as encouraging high-capacity, low-emission urban transport.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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