BNDES grants R$ 90 million for French multinational projects in Brazil

The amount will be used by Helexia to build the company's first solar DG projects in the country
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BNDES concede R$ 90 mi para empresa francesa construir usinas de GD solar
Photo: Pixabay

The French multinational Helexia obtained from the BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) approval for a financing of R$ 90 million to start construction of your first GD projects (distributed generation) solar in Brazil.

 Overall, the company aims to achieve a portfolio of 110 MWp in the country still in 2023. first plants of the company total 25 MWp of power and are being developed in the states of Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rondônia.

Investments are part of a supply contract of energy to subsidiaries of Vivo Telephone. Helexia also has solar DG contracts already signed with other customers, including: Raia, Drogasil and TIM.

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In an interview with Reuters, Aurélien Maudonnet, CEO of Helexia Brasil, revealed that the company has also been analyzing the possibility of invest in other opportunities of activity in the sector in Brazil.

As examples, he cited the self-production of energy in large parks and the generation of solar energy in the carport. The focus of these projects, in this case, would be serving corporate customers, but the company does not rule out working with end customers in the future.

Financing for solar energy

According to BNDES, the demand for financing for solar DG grew exponentially in Brazil with the publication of the Law 14,300, as the legislation caused, last year, a rush for consumers to make projects viable. 

In the bank's understanding, the regulatory framework granted greater legal security to entities such as BNDES, causing the institution to release credit and start supporting GD in the form of 'project finance'. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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