Bolsonaro defends solar energy against ANEEL taxation

There will be no taxation on solar energy and that’s final” stated the president

This Sunday (05/01/20), President Jair Bolsonaro spoke out once again in favor of solar energy. The position regarding the REN 482 review process was made on its social networks through a video. “There will be no taxation on solar energy and that’s final” stated the president. “Nobody talks in the government except me about this issue. I’m not interested in the opinions of secretaries, whoever they are.” In the same video, the President added that ANEEL would make the decision, “Aneel is the one who decides this issue, the National Electric Energy Agency is an autonomous agency, its members have a mandate, I have no interference over them.”

Later, on the same social networks, the President stated that he was already working directly on the review of REN 482, “I just spoke with Rodrigo Maia and Davi Alcolumbre, about the taxation of solar energy proposed by ANEEL. The President of the Chamber will put to a vote a Bill, as a matter of urgency, PROHIBITING THE TAXATION of energy generated by solar radiation. The President of the Senate will do the same. Case closed."

Today (01/06/20) in the morning the President once again stated in a press conference his support for solar energy. “I resolved this issue yesterday, our position is zero tariffs”, “any possibility of taxing solar energy is buried”, he added. Bolsonaro also highlighted the conversations he had with ministers Bento Albuquerque (Ministry of Mines and Energy) and Paulo Guedes (Ministry of Economy), “I also spoke with Paulo Guedes and Admiral Bento das Mines and Energy. Bento told me that the president of ANEEL wants to speak to me. I warned you that if you were to address this issue and say that the tariff was zero, I would be ready to receive you.” Bolsonaro also highlighted that photovoltaic solar generation will be stimulated by the government.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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