Bolsonaro refutes text about solar energy published by O Globo

Bolsonaro has shown himself to be a defender of the cause of photovoltaic solar energy in the country

On the night of 01/09/2020 (Thursday), in a live broadcast on Facebook, President Jair Bolsonaro countered an opinion text from the newspaper “O Globo”, which said that “it is not conceivable that the President of the Republic will intervene in an organization outside its institutional reach, the sector's regulatory agency, ANEEL, so that it goes back on the idea of reducing incentives [for solar energy]. It only discourages private investment in infrastructure, which it claims to defend, by putting pressure on an independent body, creating legal uncertainty.”

Bolsonaro's response was that he has “every right in the world to work for ANEEL not to tax solar energy” and also stated that “ANEEL has autonomy, but it is not sovereign”. Therefore, in Bolsonaro's words, the agency would have no more power than the Presidency of the Republic and the National Congress.

Bolsonaro has been a defender of the cause of photovoltaic solar energy in the country. On several occasions, the president expressed his opposition to the “taxation” of solar energy that has been imposed by the regulatory agency.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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