Brazil breaks record and surpasses the mark of 141 thousand jobs in the solar sector

In 2020, the number of hires made in the country by the sector was much lower: around 86 thousand professionals
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Brasil é o sétimo país que mais gera empregos no setor solar no mundo
Brazil is the seventh country that generates the most jobs in the solar sector in the world. Photo: Bruno dos Santos

Brazil surpassed the mark of 141 thousand jobs created in the solar energy sector in the first eleven months of this year. This is a record that already surpasses by 63.9% the figures for the entire past year: 86 thousand admissions between January and December. 

The information was collected by Solar Channel, based on data from ABSOLATE (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy). The numbers are just a reflection of the growth that the source has been registering in all states across the country. 

Recently, Brazil rose a position in the global ranking of countries that generate the most jobs in the world in the solar sector, according to a report by IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency).

Data recorded in 2021 placed the country in seventh place, ahead of historical leaders in the sector, such as Germany and the United Kingdom. 

According to Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR, the numbers obtained by the sector should be celebrated not just for their quantity. “It’s not just the number that matters, but it’s the type of job. The majority of jobs in the sector are local and pay above the average Brazilian salary.”

In the executive's understanding, for a country with a high job deficit, due to the impacts caused by the pandemic, and which needs to plan its economic recovery, investing in solar “fits perfectly” with these challenges. “In addition to providing clean and competitive electrical energy, it is a source that helps attract investment and generate quality jobs for the population in municipalities”, he highlighted.

Outlook for 2022

Asked about the job prospects for next year, Sauaia said that it is still too early to make any numerical estimates, as data for December has not even been recorded by the Association. 

However, given the election year, the executive believes that the topic “energy” will be one of the main topics in Brazilian society, and that the sector has a good chance of breaking new employability records in 2022. 

 “Solar energy will be presenting itself as a solution and a strategic tool, both to help Brazil from the point of view of its electrical policy, as well as its economic, social and environmental policy”, he concluded. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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