Brazil should announce Green Growth Program at COP26

Plan was launched on the eve of the UN Conference on Climate Change to “encourage, support and prioritize green projects”
Brazil will be present at COP26 with the second largest delegation, but Bolsonaro will not be present

The 26th edition of COP will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, between October 31st and November 12th. The event is part of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change and will bring together leaders and delegations from around the world to discuss the impacts of climate change and actions to combat global emissions of greenhouse gases, responsible for global warming. 

Brazil will be present at COP26 with the second largest delegation of participating countries, behind only the USA, with approximately 100 members of the Federal Government. The Ministers of the Environment, Joaquim Leite; of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque; and Communications, Fábio Faria. 

President Jair Bolsonaro is not expected to be present at the event. “At first I won’t, no. It's our strategy, our Minister of the Environment [Joaquim Leite] will. And it is a place that we have already made a commitment to, we are fulfilling it”, he stated in an interview with TV A Crítica.

According to Economy Minister Paulo Guedes, in an interview with CNN Internacional, a billion-dollar package in “green infrastructure” will be announced at COP26. 

“We will be in Glasgow [at COP26] announcing our Green Growth Program, our total responsibility and commitment and our accountability to the challenge of climate change. It will be an announcement of US$ 2.5 billion with sustainable infrastructure. We know that the future is green and digital. Brazil is a green power and the fourth largest digital market in the world.”

The National Green Growth Program, cited by Guedes, was announced by the government last Monday (25), aiming to “combine the reduction of carbon emissions, forest conservation and rational use of natural resources with the generation of green employment and economic growth ”. 

The statement, however, does not detail how it intends to achieve these objectives. “The launch is to make it clear how Brazil has R$ 400 billion in the green direction, investments and financing that are quite robust compared to other countries in the world. We have a very relevant number of resources”, declared minister Joaquim Leite, in the announcement.

Institute represents Brazilian solar energy 

In addition to the Brazilian delegation, Brazil will also be represented at COP26 by the Instituto Favela da Paz, one of the 17 sustainability projects selected by Green Building to present at the event. 

Located on the outskirts of the southern zone of the city of São Paulo (SP), the project was designed by a resident of the Jardim Nakamura community, Fábio Miranda, and serves more than 10 thousand residents of the region's outskirts with sustainable activities. 

Among the highlights of the institute's action is the use of photovoltaic solar panels installed in the community that generate enough energy to meet the demands of seven families, and also the project to reuse organic matter, such as food waste, transforming it into methane gas (used in the kitchen). The gas is reused by community residents.

Solar network connecting 140 countries 

One of the announcements prepared by India for COP26 is the venture titled Green Grids Initiative – One Sun One World One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG). According to the Quartz portal, the project is developed in partnership with the United Kingdom and will connect a huge solar network to 140 countries. 

The goal is to capture solar energy all the time, wherever the sun is shining in the world, and distribute it to the areas of the planet that need it most through high voltage cables that cross continents and even oceans. 

More details are expected to be announced at COP26. The ambitious project, however, is still in its early stages and must face financial and political challenges, according to the Quartz report.

USA and China

COP26 marks the return of the United States as a participant in the Paris Agreement – the nation had left the treaty during Donald Trump's government. The country is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, behind only China. 

The Chinese government, which will also be at COP26, announced this Tuesday (26) a statement with the new plan to promote renewable energy and less polluting fuels, ensuring that carbon emissions into the atmosphere will reach a peak by 2030. 

The Xi Jinping government's objective is that from this date onwards, emissions will gradually fall until 2060, when China commits to achieving neutrality.

What is COP26?

Acronym for Conference of the Parties, COP26 is part of the 26th United Nations Convention on Climate Change. The meeting, which takes place annually and has existed since 1994, aims to discuss climate change. 

In the 2021 edition, 200 countries must present plans to cut fossil fuel emissions by 2030, as part of the Paris Agreement signed in 2015. 

In it, nations committed to achieving neutrality in carbon emissions into the atmosphere to keep global warming below 2ºC above pre-industrial levels in 2050 – trying their best to reach “only” 1.5ºC. With this result, it would be possible to avoid more drastic consequences for the planet.

Another highlight of COP26 should be the debate on reducing and even ending the use of energy from fossil fuels, such as coal, one of the main raw materials still in use in the world. Extinction Rebellion, one of the activist groups expected to be present at the event, demands an immediate end to the use of fossil fuels.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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