Brazil is the sixth country that generated the most jobs in the solar sector in 2021 

Country rises one position in international ranking and remains ahead of nations such as Germany and the United Kingdom
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Brasil é o sexto país que mais gerou empregos em 2021
PV system being installed by a professional on a residential roof. Photo: Bruno Pires de Souza

O Brazil it was the sixth country that generated the most solar energy jobs in the world in 2021, once again being ahead of historical leaders in the sector, such as Germany and the United Kingdom.

This is what shows the most new report published by IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), in partnership with ILO (International Labor Organization).

Over the past year, the renewable sources were responsible for generating 12.7 million jobs across the planet, being the solar photovoltaic, the main one, with more 4.2 million new jobs (33% of the total).

According to the Agency, the Brazil registered around 3.5% of the total jobs created in the world all in solar energy last year, which represented more than 150 thousand hires made.

The country was only behind the following nations: China, the United States, India, Japan and Bangladesh, respectively, as highlighted in the graph below. 

Source: Irena, Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review, 2022

Brazil towards the TOP-5?

The latest reports published by IRENA show that Brazil has been playing a fundamental role in creating jobs for the solar energy sector around the world. 

In the 2019 survey, the country reached eighth place in the ranking for the first time. A year later, in the 2020 edition, it rose to seventh position. 

In the understanding of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), the numbers should improve even further in 2022. 

“Solar energy will continue to grow at a rapid pace and should practically double its installed operational power, generating even more jobs this year”, projects Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of the entity.

In the last ten years, from 2012 until September 2022, the source generated more than 570 thousand jobs in Brazil, with more than R$ 99.7 billion in new investments and another R$ 27 billion in revenue for public coffers. 

According to ABSOLAR, solar energy in Brazil has also prevented the emission of more than 27.8 million tons of CO2 in electricity generation in the last ten years.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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