Brazil records new records in solar energy generation in February

Brands were registered by the ONS in the Southeast/Central-West, Northeast and SIN subsystems
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Brasil registra dez recordes em energia solar na primeira quinzena de fevereiro
Photo: Reproduction/Bluesol

O ONS (National Electric System Operator) registered new records in the generation of solar energy in the first fortnight of February, with the most expressive numbers being seen between Saturday (11) and Tuesday (14).

On February 11, the middle generation in YES (National Interconnected System) reached the mark of 2,242 average MW – which represented 3.2% of demand. The following day, on February 12, the record was surpassed after reaching 2,339 average MW.

On the same day, the Northeast subsystem exceeded 1,462 average MW, which represented 13.4% of the region's demand. This result surpassed the level reached three days earlier, on February 9, which had recorded 1,428 average MW.

Already the Southeast/Central-West subsystem reached an instantaneous generation record on February 13 at 11:10 am, with 2,379 MW, an amount equivalent to 5.4% of the load consumed by the region at that time.

However, the following day, on February 14, at 1:20 pm, a new milestone was reached in the same subsystem, this time at 2,502 MW.

Read too:

According to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), solar energy currently represents around 4.08% (7.78 GW) of the total energy generated in the SIN.

This is a significant growth in the source in the country, as this percentage was 2.97% in August 2022 and just 0.1% in 2016.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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