Brazil climbs six positions in global solar energy ranking

Brazil ends 2022 in 8th place among the countries with the greatest operational capacity of the source
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Brasil sobe seis posições em ranking mundial de energia solar
Photo: Pixabay

O Brazil rose six positions and ended 2022 in 8th place of world ranking operational capacity of solar energy, according to a report published this Tuesday (21) by IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency).

This is first time in history that the Brazil ends one year among the top ten of the survey. O country also was the one that gained the most positions in the current ranking compared to the previous one, when it finished in 14th place overall in 2021.

In this year's edition, Brazil surpassed Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Vietnam and South Korea to appear in the “Top 10” for the first time.

According to the study, the countries with the greatest operational capabilities were the same as the previous report.

The top five positions remained unchanged, with the China leading the overall numbers. Close behind were the U.S, O Japan, The Germany and the India.

Also according to IRENA, in 2022, the overall capacity of renewable energy presented record advance all over the world, with a growth of 9.6% and an increase of 295 GW. During this period, sources solar and wind accounted for 90% of this total.

“This continued record growth shows the resilience of renewable energy amid the persistent energy crisis,” said IRENA Director General Francesco La Camera.

Check out the world rankings:

  1. China: 392 GW
  2. USA: 111 GW
  3. Japan: 78.8 GW
  4. Germany: 66.5 GW
  5. India: 62.8 GW
  6. Australia: 26.7 GW
  7. Italy: 25 GW
  8. Brazil: 24 GW
  9. Netherlands: 22.5 GW
  10. South Korea: 20.9 GW
Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. In terms of generation, Brazil is in sixth place, surpassing Italy and Australia, due to a higher capacity factor.

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