Seek your place in the Sun, but understand how to position yourself

The potential for entrepreneurship in the solar sector is almost as infinite as your own energy source
Posicionamento é mostrar para o seu público alvo qual a diferença entre você e seus competidores
Positioning is showing your target audience the difference between you and your competitors

Photovoltaic solar energy fascinates us for several aspects, but I would like to highlight one in particular: entrepreneurship.

According to Greener's latest research, published in August this year, the population of active integrator companies is 14,200. And this number has been growing year after year, along with the sector.

Only in the first half of 2020, according to data from ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), we grew approximately 34% and we generate around 40 thousand jobs. The potential for entrepreneurship in the solar sector is almost as infinite as its own energy source.

However, you need to be very careful when looking for your “place in the Sun”. With all this growth, competition, which is healthy, has become very fierce, especially in times of crisis. Hence the need to understand how to position your company.

But, after all, what is positioning?

According to Philip Kotler, considered the master of modern marketing, “positioning is showing your target audience the difference between you and your competitors”.

Therefore, it is important to understand the three classic forms of positioning, defined by one of the greatest scholars on competitive strategies, Michael Eugene Porter: cost, differentiation and focus.

Positioning by cost: focused on low operating costs, maximizing production and maximizing cost dilution. The keyword here is efficiency, whether operational, management or through automation. As a result, the consumer perceives the price as the main differentiator of such companies.

Positioning by differentiation: focused on the expanded vision of the product or service, on differentiators, on training, on technologies, on R&D (research and development) focused on the market, on excellence in engineering. The aim is to convey to the consumer the company's VALUE anchored in intangible benefits.

Focus positioning: focused on the segment, on the specific target audience. The keyword here is the customization of the product or service being recognized by the consumer as being unique.

We need to consider this aspect that is so important for the company's longevity, transmitting a clear message to our customers about our positioning — and thus seeking market recognition.

It should be noted that a photovoltaic system has a useful life of 25 years, that is, with each system installed we are establishing a relationship with the customer for an equal or longer period. How do we want to be recognized by our customers? Position yourself!


Picture of Felipe Santos
Felipe Santos
LATAM Sales Director at DAH Solar. Professional in the photovoltaic solar sector with more than 5 years of experience in large multinationals. He worked in several departments, from sales and product management to R&D and quality control. He has an MBA in Strategic and Economic Business Management, specializations in Project Management and Integrated Management System, as well as a degree in Materials Engineering.

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