BYD expands production of solar panels in Brazil

BYD is the largest global manufacturer of lithium-iron batteries and electric and plug-in vehicles (from 2015 to 2018)
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“The expectation is that this new scenario will reduce the production costs of national modules between 10% and 15%”. According to Adalberto Maluf, Director of Marketing and Sustainability at BYD in Brazil, this is BYD's objective, which will expand the production of solar panels in Brazil in 2020 and open another work shift at the factory, in the second half of March .

According to the company, among the reasons for adopting this initiative are, for example, Camex's decision to eliminate the import tax on photovoltaic cells (the main element in the manufacture of modules), the strengthening of legislation in favor of distributed generation of electrical energy and the renewal of the semiconductor industry incentive program (PADIS) approved at the end of 2019.

“Now is the time to invest in increasing local production so that we can further reduce our production costs and have more capacity to compete with imported products”, commented Maluf. To ensure production, the company doubled the purchase of inputs and increased the number of employees.

Other data

According to a study released by Greener, research and consultancy company specialized in the solar energy sector, The installed volume of systems connected to the grid reached 1,393 MW in 2019, more than triple that of 2018, when 397 MW were connected.

The research also confirms the drop in the price of photovoltaic systems, which had an average reduction of 9.3%, compared to the last 12 months, and 0.4%, in the last 6 months. Photovoltaic kits, on the other hand, had an average reduction of 6%, compared to June 2019, with the reduction, in general, being more pronounced in smaller systems.

The percentage of companies that operate exclusively with solar energy increased from 20%, in January 2019, to 30%, in January 2020.

About BYD

BYD is the largest global manufacturer of lithium-iron batteries and electric and plug-in vehicles (2015 to 2018). The company is present on six continents, with vehicles operating in more than 300 cities in 50 countries, with over 240,000 employees distributed in 30 factories around the globe (20,000 of which are research engineers who have already developed over 24,000 patents). 

In Brazil, BYD opened its first factory in 2015 to produce electric buses and sell vehicles and forklifts in Campinas, in the interior of São Paulo. In April 2017, it opened its second plant for the production of photovoltaic modules, consolidating itself as one of the leaders in this important market in Brazil. 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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