BYD aims to further expand local manufacturing capacity

Adalberto Maluf talks about the restructuring of the factory in Campinas (SP), as well as the growth prospects in the storage and EV market in Brazil
22-09-21-canal-solar-BYD pretende ampliar ainda mais a capacidade de fabricação local

In order to meet the new requirements of the photovoltaic market, BYD announced in August that it is expanding its production capacity for the launch of solar modules with higher nominal power.

To this end, the production of polycrystalline panels model/family P6K and monocrystalline model/family M7K was reduced. Amid this scenario, doubts arose regarding the restructuring of the factory located in Campinas (SP). 

Will demand be affected? What can the sector expect? In an interview with Solar Channel, Adalberto Maluf, Director of Marketing and Sustainability at BYD Brasil, commented on the subject and answered other questions regarding the reformulation process. 

Furthermore, he also discussed how BYD is preparing for a possible approval of PL 5829, which aims to create the Legal Framework for GD (distributed generation) in Brazil, as well as the company's performance in the battery and EV market (vehicles electricity) in the country. 

Recently, BYD announced the restructuring of its factory. What is the company's strategy, what can the market expect with this restructuring?

The restructuring of the factory is taking place due to the need to expand production capacity to launch photovoltaic modules with higher nominal power, aiming to meet new market demands. 

The new panels have a power of 450 W, an efficiency of 20.9% and are suitable for residential systems, agribusiness solutions or even in commerce, industry and off-grid generation. 

This is an unprecedented achievement for the national industry, as it is the highest power module ever developed in Brazilian territory. This launch shows how BYD is committed to investing in technology research and development and creating jobs in the country.  

BYD, which is already a leader in solutions for a more sustainable world, is also investing to create products that are increasingly adapted to the Brazilian climate reality.

Will the restructuring affect demand? Who has already ordered the modules, will they be able to collect them? Will there be replacement modules?

To begin manufacturing the 450 W panels in 2021, production of the 335 W polycrystalline photovoltaic modules model/family P6K and the 395 W monocrystalline model/family M7K has been reduced and should be closed in the near future.

However, in order to avoid any type of inconvenience or adversity caused by the lack of product for projects that are in the approval and/or negotiation phase, BYD increased its stock of these panels, allowing our partners to issue new orders for purchases until 08/31/21 for the P6K family – polycrystalline – and until 09/30/2021 for the M7K family – monocrystalline, in addition to maintaining replacement stocks for our customers.

Regarding PL 5829. With the sanction of the law, the market is predicting a boom in projects. Is BYD preparing for this?

We believe that the sector will continue to grow well before and after the approval of the regulatory framework by the Senate, as it guarantees more legal security for everyone at a time of strong demand for cheaper renewable energy. 

BYD is already the largest national manufacturer of photovoltaic modules, and intends to further expand local manufacturing capacity to meet the sector's growing demands. In 2021, we have already experienced important growth in the commercialization of national panels. 

We had already opened a new shift at the Campinas factory in the first half of this year, hiring around 60 new employees, totaling more than 400 employees. BYD is prepared to expand further to meet the demands of the national market.

Regarding the BYD battery factory in Manaus, how is the commercialization process going?

BYD's manufacturing plant in Manaus is still dedicated to the production of lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries to support the manufacture of BYD's 100% electric bus chassis, developed in Campinas. 

With a production capacity of more than a thousand batteries per year, the factory, installed in an area of 5 thousand square meters, allows the expansion of new production lines in the future to also serve other manufacturers. 

In a short time, we intend to expand production for energy storage systems. Everything will depend on the acceptance of our products to be launched at Intersolar 2021. 

Does BYD intend to sell electric vehicles in Brazil?

BYD is one of the largest global manufacturers of electric vehicles, having led sales in the world for 6 years. We were the second automaker to surpass the mark of more than 1 million electrified cars sold, as well as 114 thousand commercial EVs. The company has been expanding its operations globally and, in Brazil, we should have good news in 2022. 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. Excellent report.
    I am entering the solar energy market as a representative of a company in the sector. And I'm happy to see a national industry dedicating itself to improvements for an even better production of solar energy.
    I didn't really know the company
    Congratulations .
    I hope you continue to have more and more success.

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