Cables and connectors are still neglected, says Staubli manager

The result of this has culminated in problems ranging from energy losses to fires, according to William Mass
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Cabos e conectores ainda são negligenciados, diz gerente da Staubli
William Mass, business development manager at Staubli. Photo: LinkedIn/Reproduction

One system of solar energy It is formed by various equipment It is that go far beyond modules and inverters photovoltaics. 

One example of this are cables and connectors, which – like other products – if not installed correctly, can cause numerous problems for a plant. 

However, unfortunately, the acquisition and use of these two products yet they are very neglected by professionals from the market, according to William Mass, business development manager at Staubli

In interview to the Solar Channel, O executive highlighted what both the cables as the connectors represent today, on average, less than 1% of CAPEX (Capital Expenditure, in Portuguese) of a solar energy project, precisely because they are low-cost components. 

For this reason, it is common to see some designers, engineers and installation technicians neglecting this issue., thinking that because it is a 'cheap' item it is better to leave it until later to decide which cable and connector to use in your project”, he said.

Connectors and cables organized in a solar power system. Photo: Canal Solar

The result of this has culminated in a series of problems in systems installed in the country, which will from a simple loss of energy for the customer even fires caused in due to errors that could have been avoided if there had been greater attention to cables and connectors. 

According to Mass, one of the most common mistakes and the use of inappropriate connectors and outside the provisions of NBR 16,690 – technical safety standard linked to photovoltaic installation and arrangements, in which there is a specific chapter on direct current connectors.

“When we talk about direct current connectors for photovoltaics, many professionals still think that MC4 is a connector standard, when in fact it is a product developed by Staubli and has been the main connector on the market,” he said. 

The executive highlighted that NBR 16,690 says, for example, that Connectors of a solar energy system must be of the same standard and from the same manufacturer. In other words, the connector from manufacturer A theoretically cannot connect with that from manufacturer B.   

“Why shouldn’t this connection happen? Because each manufacturer has its construction limitations. In other words, Staubli uses one dimension to build the MC4 while another manufacturer uses another dimension for its connector. When these two connectors are connected, they can cause a series of problems, with fire being the last degree,” said Mass. 

Use of appropriate tools

During the interview, the Staubli manager also recalled that many integrators and sector professionals also need to start paying attention to the use of specific tools for assembling a connector, as pliers and wrenches for every type of occasion. 

“As incredible as it may seem, few people use this equipment, whether because of cost or negligence. For example, to close the MC4 there is a specific key to lock the cable gland and there are people who use their hands to do this”, said the executive.

Mass also points out that there is no point in integrators working with a sales argument that a solar energy system has a useful life of 25 to 30 years, if they are not concerned about the equipment they are using and the correct assembly of the devices. cables, connectors and other technologies. 

During the interview, the Staubli manager also spoke about other issues related to the use of technologies and how the company has been working to improve equipment for the national market. 

Check out the full interview:

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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