Chamber urgently approves the PDL that suspends ANEEL rules on GD

Matter aims to suspend points of Resolution 1,000, amended by ANEEL through Resolution 1,059
2 minute(s) of reading
Câmara aprova urgência a PDL que suspende regras da ANEEL sobre GD
Deputy Beto Pereira (PSDB-MS). Photo: Agência Câmara de Notícias

With collaboration of Ericka Araújo

A Chamber of Deputies approved, on Tuesday night (11), a urgent request for voting on the PDL 65/2023 which aims to suspend points of Normative Resolution No. 1,000/2021, included by Normative Resolution No. 1,059/2023 – published by ANEEL at the beginning of this year. 

With the approval of the request – authored by deputy Beto Pereira (PSDB-MS) – the PDL was included in the Agenda of the Chamber of Deputies this Wednesday (12) in the Extraordinary Deliberative Session, scheduled to start at 1:55 pm. The project is the eighth item on the agenda. See the Agenda by clicking here

The PDL proposes that the following devices are suspended of Normative Resolution No. 1,000/2021:

  • §3, with its respective sections, of article 292, of REN ANEEL nº 1,000/2021;
  • The entirety of article 671-A, of REN ANEEL nº 1,000/2021;
  • Item II of the caput of article 655-I, of REN ANEEL nº1.000/2021; It is
  • §3 and §4, with their respective sections, of article 655-I, of REN ANEEL nº 1,000/2021.

What is an emergency regime?

The emergency regime does not require some regulatory formalities. To be processed under this regime, the proposal must deal with matters involving the defense of democratic society and fundamental freedoms, among other cases.

A proposal can also be processed urgently when a request is made to that effect. If the urgency is approved, the proposal will be placed on the Agenda of the following deliberative session, even if it is on the same day.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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