Chamber approves urgency for PL that encourages solar energy for low-income families

Bill provides for the allocation of resources for the installation of solar plants, with an emphasis on rural areas and floating plants
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Câmara aprova urgência para PL que incentiva energia solar para família de baixa renda
Plenary Session this Tuesday (19). Photo: Zeca Ribeiro/Chamber of Deputies.

A Chamber of Deputies approved on Tuesday night (19) the procedure in emergency regime on one bill which provides for the creating a program which can reduce Brazilians' electricity bills and stimulate the production of solar energy for 17 million low-income families, in the consumption range of up to 220 kWh per month.

A idea is to replace the current TSEE (Social Electricity Tariff), a benefit granted to families in situations of economic vulnerability, by the Rebbe (Basic Energy Income Program), which, among other issues, seeks to promote development of the solar energy market in Brazil.

At the moment, all electricity consumers in the country pay the CDE (Energy Development Account) – a fund whose objective is finance public policies for access to electricity, including the social tariff. As a result, around R$ 6 billion is collected every year.

By the bill, that resource would be used to create solar plants throughout the national territory, with an emphasis on installations in rural areas and floating plants in hydroelectric reservoirs. 

According to the author of the proposal, deputy Pedro Uczai, the intention is that in ten years enough solar plants will be built to serve the more than 17 million families that receive the benefit of the social tariff, meaning that this cost will be removed from the electricity bill. of taxpayers.

According to the proposal, solar plants must be operated directly by ENBPar (Empresa Brasileira de Participações em Energia Nuclear e Binacional SA) or by contracting solar energy cooperatives in the region in which they are installed. Check out the bill in full by clicking here.

What is an emergency regime?

The emergency regime does not require some regulatory formalities. To be processed under this regime, the proposal must deal with matters involving the defense of democratic society and fundamental freedoms, among other cases.

A proposal can also be processed urgently when a request is made to that effect. If the urgency is approved, the proposal will be placed on the Agenda of the following deliberative session, even if it is on the same day.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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