Porto Alegre Chamber files CPI request to investigate distributor

The Public Defender's Office also charged CEEE Equatorial for the delay in restoring electricity in the State
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Câmara de Porto Alegre protocola pedido de CPI para investigar distribuidora de energia
Another 350,000 commercial and residential locations are without electricity due to the rains in Rio Grande do Sul. Photo: Cesar Lopes/PMPA

A Porto Alegre City Council filed, this Thursday (18), a request to open a CPI (Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry) with the aim of investigate the CEEE Equatorial, the concessionaire responsible for supplying electricity in the Rio Grande do Sul.

O request takes place amidst the storms that reach several cities in the region. Throughout the state, more 350,000 commercial and residential locations are still without electricity due to the storm on Tuesday (16), with the capital being the municipality most affected by the lack of electricity. 

A CPI should investigate compliance with the electrical network maintenance schedule by the concessionaire, as well as the real structural state of the electrical distribution and energy supply system and the dealership's relationship with its customers. 

Furthermore, the CPI must also investigate What is the planning and execution of the company's prompt response plan to restart the system after rain and the composition of the concessionaire's direct and contracted employees.  

The request for opening of the CPI was registered by councilor Cláudia Araújo (PSD-RS) and will be analyzed after the end of the parliamentary recess, starting February 1st. 

Public Defender demands explanations

Faced with thousands of people who remain without electricity in Rio Grande do Sul, the Public Defender's Office of the State of Rio Grande do Sul also charged, this Thursday (18), CEEE Equatorial for information and measures regarding the delay in reestablishing public service.

In the letter, the defense requested information about how many teams are working and how they are organized, what is the forecast for the full restoration of electricity in the distributor's concession municipalities, what is being done before and after and if there was a contingency plan, especially based on the forecast and announcement of the storm in advance by Civil Defense and the State Government.

What does the energy company say?

A CEEE Equatorial reported, through your account on X – the former Twitter – which more than 80% from customers affected by the storms from January 16th already their energy is restored.

“Teams from other states in the Equatorial Group continue to be mobilized to speed up complete normalization. We remain dedicated to restoring 100%’s power supply,” the statement highlighted. 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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