Chamber of Deputies approves Brazil's entry into the International Solar Alliance

The objective is to help member countries face common challenges in the dissemination of solar energy
Câmara aprova entrada do Brasil na Aliança Solar Internacional
The objective is to expand the use of solar energy in the countries that signed the agreement. Photo: Chamber of Deputies/Disclosure

The Chamber of Deputies approved this Thursday (3) PDL 271/2021 (Draft Legislative Decree No. 271/21) which includes Brazil's entry into the ASI (International Solar Alliance) agreement, signed in New Delhi, India, in 2016. The proposal now goes to Senators for consideration and voting.

The agreement aims to carry out coordinated actions to finance technologies and research in the field of solar energy, cooperation with international organizations, public and private entities and countries that are not members of the ISA and the sharing of information on needs, objectives, measures and initiatives domestic.

The text also establishes that the ISA's budget and financing will be provided through voluntary contributions from member countries, partners, international organizations and the private sector.

In total, the agreement involves 121 countries. “Brazil, with all the potential for solar energy, is still in 16th place in the international ranking”, highlighted deputy Erika Kokay (PT-DF).

ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy) hopes that the Senate process will take place quickly, in order to include the country more directly in the debate for the development of solar sources in the world.

For the CEO of ABSOLAR, Rodrigo Sauaia, Brazilian membership of the ASI will open the doors for the country to benefit from multilateral programs and actions in the areas of financing, incentive programs, public policies, regulation, business models, technology and research and development, among others.

“Brazil has one of the best solar resources on the planet, but is behind other countries in the use of photovoltaic solar energy. We closed 2021 in 14th position in the world solar energy ranking, far below our immense potential. In other renewable sources, Brazil is world leader: we are in 2nd place in water sources, 2nd place in biomass and 8th place in wind. We need to make up for lost time and our full participation in ASI will help us incorporate the best international practices, accelerate the development of photovoltaic solar sources in our country and position ourselves as a relevant actor in this sector, which is increasingly strategic on the world stage”, highlighted Sauaia.

For Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR, solar energy plays an essential role in the transition to a future with low carbon emissions and in promoting energy security in the world. “The solar source is already the most competitive in the country, but Brazil is still ten years behind other developed countries in the use of photovoltaic solar technology and our participation in the ASI will help us to incorporate the best international practices, accelerate the development of photovoltaic solar energy and position us as a major player in this sector, which is increasingly strategic on the world stage”, emphasized Koloszuk.


India, the ASI's host country, will be responsible for initial funding for the organization. According to deputy Marcel Van Hattem (Novo-RS), the agreement does not imply financial obligations to Brazil. “Further contributions will be voluntary. It is a discussion forum to discuss photovoltaic energy, whose importance is increasing. We need to establish photovoltaic energy in the freest and least expensive way possible for those who earn less”, he argued.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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