Chamber of Deputies closes session without voting on PDL 65/2023

Matter that aims to suspend ANEEL rules on GD remains on the agenda and should be discussed until next week
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Câmara dos Deputados encerra sessão sem votar PDL 65/2023
Photo: Zeca Ribeiro / Chamber of Deputies

A Chamber of Deputies ended this Wednesday's session (12) without voting on seven of the eight points scheduled on the day's agenda, including the PDL 65/2023 – which aims to suspend part of Resolution 1,000/2021, amended by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) through Resolution 1,059/2023 in February this year. 

During virtually the entire session, what we saw were long discussions on topics such as sexual harassment and violence in schools, which prevented the vast majority of topics on the agenda from being debated. Behind the scenes, the tendency is for voting of PDL 65/2023 occurs until the end of next week. 

“We will continue to seek support from the Government for unanimous approval in the Chamber and Senate”, said Hewerton Martins, president of MSL (Movimento Solar Livre). 

The PDL defended by him and proposed by federal deputy Beto Pereira (PSDB-MS) aims to preserve the right of small solar energy projects in sectors such as family farming, residences and hotels that were impacted by ANEEL's decision to create new charges for these consumers.

O decree proposes that the following provisions be suspended of Normative Resolution No. 1,000/2021:

  • Charge imposed on consumers of the so-called Optante B: Aneel imposed charging for load demand and preventing the sending and receiving of credits for old and new installations;
  • TUSDg charge: generation demand imposed on low voltage residential consumers.
Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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