Canadian and Growatt lead preference for solar equipment in Brazil

Find out which companies took the largest share in the inverter and photovoltaic module markets
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ePowerBay, an intelligence solutions company for the solar sector and free market, released this week the market share of manufacturers of photovoltaic modules and inverters. Highlighting the companies Canadian and Growatt that lead the market preference in Brazil.

Until December, Brazil accumulated 2.28 million micro and minigeneration plants, totaling 25.84 GW. Last year, 623 thousand new plants came into operation, totaling 7,435 MW. Comparing this result to the 2022 performance, there was a drop of 11% in DG growth.

Of the 25.84 GW of installed capacity, 83% of the power (21.3 GW) comes from microgeneration plants and 17% from minigeneration. Around 20.56 GW are connected at low voltage.

According to ePowerBay, the year 2023 was marked by the slowdown in the DG market “due to regulatory changes that generated a large volume of projects developed and filed by the end of 2022. As a result of this, there was a marked denial of opinions from of concessionaires. These points greatly affected companies in the sector.”

Which companies were the main suppliers of modules and inverters?

ePowerBay said it has identified 51 module manufacturers, with the 20 largest being responsible for supplying more than 80% of equipment in operation in Brazil.

Market Share dos fabricantes de módulos fotovoltaicos. Fonte: ePowerBay
Market share of photovoltaic module manufacturers. Source: ePowerBay

Observation: within the “others” category, a further 31 module manufacturers are grouped. “Uninformed” are those cases in which there is no information about the manufacturers.

In the case of photovoltaic inverters, the consultancy identified 67 suppliers, of which the 20 largest were responsible for 80% of installed equipment.

Market share dos fabricantes de inversores. Fonte: ePowerBay
Market share of inverter manufacturers. Source: ePowerBay

In ePowerbay's view, “it is of great importance to know the equipment suppliers in distributed generation well, so it is possible to evaluate brands, outline operation and maintenance strategies and analyze the market and competitors”.

Observation: within the “others” classification, 47 inverter manufacturers are grouped.

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Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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