The country's energy load expanded by 5.1% in 2023, says ONS

El Niño phenomenon and industry recovery contributed to this result
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Image: Pixabay

The country's electricity load reached 79,896 MWmed in 2023, an increase of 5.1% in relation to 2022. The initial forecast pointed to a variation of 3.5%. The data already incorporates the impact of distributed micro and minigeneration.

See how the load variation by submarket looked in 2023:

  • North (13.2%);
  • Northeast (6.4%);
  • Southeast/Central-West (4.2%);
  • South (2.6%).

According to the ONS (National System Operator), the high temperatures caused by El Niño contributed to increasing the energy load, which represents the sum of consumption and electrical losses in the SIN (National Interconnected System). 

El Niño is a climate phenomenon that changes the rainfall regime in the South and Southeast/Central-West regions and increases temperatures in the North and Northeast regions. It has been present in Brazil since February 2023 and reached its peak in January this year. According to meteorologists, the tendency is for the intensity of El Niño to decrease by October. 

In December, the ONS recorded an expansion of 10.5% in load compared to the same period in 2022. The regions that showed the greatest variation were in the North (12.4% – 7,249 MWmed) and in the Northeast (12.4% – 13,373 MWmed). Next, there are the Southeast/Central-West, 12.3% (45,543 MWmed) and the South, 2.7% (13,732 MWmed).

“In the last month of 2023, temperatures above the historical average in the Southeast/Central-West and South regions, caused by the meteorological phenomenon known as El Niño, were relevant. Another highlight that may have impacted the load was an improvement in the industry's performance. Furthermore, exceptionally in 2022, the Football World Cup took place between November and December, impacting the load in the period”, said the ONS in a note.

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Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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