Solar-powered car has a range of 625 km

According to the Dutch automaker, every hour exposed to the sun is equivalent to an extra 10 km of autonomy

The use of photovoltaic energy in everyday devices is increasingly gaining momentum in the market, such as in portable chargers, backpacks and even elevators. 

The devices acquire independence by feeding on solar radiation, converted into energy through photovoltaic panels. Use can be instantaneous or stored in batteries. 

Adoption of sustainable technologies is already a reality. In fact, it has been gaining even more space in urban mobility with the EVs (electric vehicles) and also with electrified solar-powered cars, such as the Lightyear 0.

Valued at R$1.3 million, the car has a range of seven months and will begin production later this year by the Dutch automaker. The reuse of sunlight occurs through the panels, which are implemented on its surface.

According to the manufacturer, it will travel 625 km without needing to be charged, and the highlight is the additional 70 km daily with the use of photovoltaic modules. Every hour exposed to the sun is equivalent to an extra 10 km of autonomy. 

The Lightyear 0 had its pre-sale of 946 units sold out. With the money obtained from commercialization, the startup plans new investments so that in the future it can launch a more affordable model, in the region of R$ 160 thousand.  

How does a solar powered car work?

The photovoltaic panel installed in the vehicle allows the conversion of solar rays into electrical energy and, respectively, powers the engine. In the long term, cars guarantee autonomy due to this technology, and on cloudy days or at night a battery system allows charging.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

One Response

  1. I would like to have a car like this, too bad it is still an unattainable reality for most Brazilians, no matter how much environmental awareness there may be.

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