CBGD and Expo GD bring together more than 8 thousand visitors in BH

More than 130 companies in the solar market presented their solutions
Canal Solar CBGD e Expo GD reúnem mais de 8 mil visitantes em BH
In addition to the lectures, the event included the simultaneous holding of Expo GD

A 7th edition of CBGD (Brazilian Distributed Generation Congress) held at Expominas, located in Belo Horizonte (MG), received more than 8 thousand visitors.

During the two-day event, important topics regarding distributed generation in the country were discussed, such as Law 14,300, as well as new technologies, business opportunities and even the entry of participants into the free energy market.

In addition to the lectures, the event also included Expo GD, which served as a showcase for more than 130 exhibiting brands operating in the sector.

“CBGD & Expo GD 2022 has undoubtedly become the largest distributed generation congress with renewable sources in all of Latin America. There were approximately 100 brands, from more than ten countries participating in the event, moving and presenting their innovations and technologies”, highlights Tiago Fraga, CEO of Grupo FRG Mídias & Eventos, the company organizing the congress.

''In addition, we have the main experts and players in the sector debating topics on energy storage, financing, transition from Law 14,300, main module and inverter technologies, structures, new protection systems and UPS launches. So the sector really met with our production chain these days, exceeding our expectations'', he adds.

Who also comments on the subject is Ítalo De Pra Neto, CEO of Nexen, exhibitor and one of the event's sponsors. For him, CBGD 2022 was characterized as a success, as well as an excellent opportunity for strategic development focused on GD.

“For us at Nexen, this event was magnificent, as we had the opportunity to present our solutions in products with major launches, and mainly talk about the market, projections for the coming years and answer our partners' questions regarding 14,300”, highlights Neto .

''We convey to our partners that the market is undergoing regulation, but this also helps us to remain strong in the sector, as energy demand is growing, and the photovoltaic solution still has a lot of room to reach. The word I leave for everyone is: get ready because the market is growing, and whoever is prepared will take advantage of the opportunities and come out ahead”, he adds.

Check out the executive's interview with Canal Solar

CBGD 2022

In total, 15 panels were held, as well as the presentation of the Prima Climatic Consciousness Seal to the congress by Ricardo Harduim, specialist from the Integrated Reforestation Project of the Atlantic Forest.

On the occasion, authorities from the region and the country highlighted the importance of the event, as well as its importance for Minas Gerais, given that the state is today the largest producer of DG in the country, with more than 2.2 GW installed.

“For the government of Minas, clean energy, solar energy is a priority. For Invest Minas this is no different and, therefore, we set up a green economy area to stimulate not only solar energy, but also new sources of clean energy”, highlighted Alan Cheib, specialist at Investminas during the opening.

“It’s events like this, where people who didn’t have the opportunity to study the electrical sector like me have the opportunity to learn”, he concluded.

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The second day was focused on legal matters, such as the sanctioning of Law 14,300, which is expected to come into force at the beginning of 2023. CBGD 2022 was also part of the evaluation of scientific works focusing on the production of clean energy through DG .

On the occasion, students from various parts of the country had the opportunity to demonstrate their projects and studies involving the sector, as well as combining practical experience with everything that has been developed by the academy.

According to Marcelo Langer, Scientific Coordinator of the VII CBGD, the 2022 Congress fulfills its role of encouraging partnerships between companies and academies, through the registration of scientific works.

“The works were evaluated and selected for oral presentation in line with the lectures, promoting the integration and application of knowledge in the production of renewable energy and low-to-GD energy. On the occasion, students from various parts of the country had the opportunity to demonstrate their projects and studies involving the sector, as well as combining practical experience with the innovation and technology that has been developed by the Academy”, stated Langer.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.
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