Cemig announces purchase of three solar plants for R$ 100 million 

According to the company, payment will be made as the projects come into operation.
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Cemig anuncia compra de usinas solares
New facilities will serve 2,500 customers in the low voltage commercial and industrial market. Photo: Pexels

Aiming to increase its generation from renewable sources, the electricity distributor Cemig announced on the night of this Wednesday (29) the purchase of three photovoltaic plants in the state of Minas Gerais, to the approximate cost of R$ 100 million.

In a statement sent to the market, the Minas Gerais company informed that the acquisition payments of enterprises will be made as the plants begin to come into operation.

Two of them, the Prudente Morais and Montes Claros are expected to start operating in September this year, while that of Jequitibá will open in February 2023.

To the new facilities will serve around 2,500 customers of the low voltage commercial and industrial market.

According to Cemig, the transaction reinforces the company's strategy of sustainable growth in the G.D. (Distributed Generation), with a commitment to creating value through investments in projects that contribute to improving the electrical matrix in the state of Minas Gerais.

Other Cemig acquisitions

This is not the first acquisition that Cemig performs in the solar DG segment in 2022. In April, the company, for example, acquired the 49% participation in companies that have six photovoltaic generation plants.

At the time, around R$ 37.2 million were disbursed to purchase shares in the companies G2 Energia and Apolo Empreendimentos e Energia, which have plants in operation in the municipality of Lavras, in the interior of Minas Gerais.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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