China bets on the Brazilian electricity sector

Currently, large Chinese companies already operate in the Brazilian photovoltaic market
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China aposta no setor elétrico brasileiro

The relationship between Brazil and China continues to grow ever closer. The executive director of the Brazil-China Business Council, Claudia Trevisan, revealed last week, in a thematic panel held at the National Meeting of Electrical Sector Agents, that around 43% of the stock of Chinese investments in Brazil are destined for the electrical sector.

“There was a significant increase that transformed the segment into the main pillar of Chinese investments in Brazil”, explained Claudia.

The oil and gas sector comes next, with 28% of Chinese contributions. According to the director, 20 years ago the economic relationship between the two countries was small, but it has been intensifying and in 2010 there was the largest volume of investments, an amount of US$ 13 billion.

Zhao Jianqiang, CEO of CTG (China Three Gorges Corporation) in Brazil, considers the country to be a fundamental market and wants to expand its participation here. The executive says he is impressed with the way Brazil is developing its electricity sector, based on clean energy.

Qu Yuhui, minister-counselor and spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Brazil, recalled that Chinese companies were successful in their investments in Brazil in recent years, which gave them experience for their expansion. For him, the post-pandemic period brings challenges and opportunities for emerging countries.

Currently, large Chinese companies are already operating in the Brazilian photovoltaic market. Among them, BYD, Risen, Trina, Jinko, JA Solar, DAH Solar and Yingli are fighting for share in the Brazilian market with imported equipment.

Fernando Castro, sales director at Risen, highlighted this relationship between Brazil and China and commented that the photovoltaic market should increasingly expand worldwide.

“In our studies, due to internal market share and other favorable conditions, India, China, the United States and Brazil will be the leaders in purchasing solar energy equipment over the next 10 to 20 years,” added Castro.


Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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