Heavy rains once again leave residents of SP without access to energy

In November 2023, another storm left more than 2 million properties without electricity in the capital of São Paulo
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Chuvas voltam a deixar moradores de SP sem acesso à energia
Enel technicians work to restore energy. Photo: Enel/Reproduction

The residents of São Paulo It is nearby cities, like Santo André, were once again left without access to electricity about two months after the blackout that left more than 2 million consumer units without access to electricity in their homes, in November last year. 

This Monday (08), a storm that hit the São Paulo capital region caused interruptions in power supply in different neighborhoods. 

On Tuesday morning (09), many residents still found themselves without access to electricity. There was reports of power outages lasting more than 17 hours in some properties.

In a statement published on its website, the Enel, the concessionaire responsible for energy supply in the Greater São Paulo region, reported that around 70% of affected customers had their supply restored early this Tuesday. 

According to the Fire Department, 200 incidents of falling trees were recorded in São Paulo and the metropolitan region during the storm, with winds of more than 76 km/h and an accumulation of 62 mm of rain, according to Civil Defense.

According to Enel, power transmission was interrupted after trees, branches and other objects fell onto the power grid. The company said it was working to restore supply “as quickly as possible”. 

The distributor also reported that it increased the number of teams in the field and carried out remote maneuvers, through the remote control system, to minimize impacts on customers. The concessionaire also reported that around 800 teams remained throughout the day working to restore power. 

Recurring problem

In the first week of November 2023, one The storm left more than 2 million people without electricity in São Paulo and in cities in the metropolitan region. 

A Enel was heavily criticized because the blackout persisted for more than five days for thousands of people, which caused the loss of refrigerated food and damage to customer appliances.

Mayor Ricardo Nunes (MDB) even considered canceling the City Hall's contract with the company.


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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