Most populous city in ES will have first public school with solar energy

The system has 22 550 W photovoltaic panels, enough to meet the unit’s entire demand.
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Serra (ES) terá primeira escola com energia solar
CMEI Vantuil Raimundo, in the Lagoa de Jacaraípe neighborhood. Photo: Disclosure

A school in the municipality of Serra (ES) It now has a solar energy system to supply the unit’s electricity. The installation began operating this Monday (05).

Located in the Lagoa de Jacaraípe neighborhood, CMEI Vantuil Raimundo is the first school in the city's public education network to receive the technology. The system has 22 550 W panels, enough to meet all the demands of the teaching unit.

According to the City Hall, the expectation is that the entire economy can reduce the energy expenses of other teaching units in the municipality, through the surplus electricity that the solar station can return to the distribution network.

Fabrício Borges, head of community relations at DEA, explains that, in addition to the environmental and economic gain, the photovoltaic system will also have a pedagogical and learning role for students and teachers, on issues such as sustainable consumption and global warming.

“The entire operation is monitored in real time, allowing employees, parents, students and the community to know, from a control panel (TV), the volume of clean energy generated and how much carbon dioxide has stopped being released into the atmosphere” , he explains.

Mountain range

The municipality of Serra is currently the most populous in the state of Espírito Santo, with more than 536 thousand inhabitants and has been notable for its actions in favor of solar energy.

In July this year, for example, the municipality approved a bill that offers 20% discount on IPTU (Urban Property and Territorial Tax) for residents who have systems installed in their homes.

According to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), the city currently has almost 3 thousand photovoltaic systems connected to the distribution network and just over 28.2 MW of installed power.


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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