Five thousand Brazilian municipalities already have solar energy

Five thousand Brazilian municipalities use photovoltaic solar energy on roofs, small residential plots, businesses and industries, as well as rural properties and public buildings. This is what a survey carried out by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) pointed out.

According to the association, there are already 3.5 gigawatts installed and 294 thousand photovoltaic systems connected to the grid.

Furthermore, ABSOLAR found that more than R$ 17 billion has been invested and accumulated since 2012, generating around 120 thousand jobs in the DG (distributed generation) sector.

Also according to the association, the photovoltaic solar source has been leading the distributed generation segment, with more than 99.9% of installations in the country, bringing savings and sustainability to approximately 367 thousand consumer units.  

“ABSOLAR celebrates the expansion of access to solar energy in Brazilian municipalities. However, the country is still just at the beginning of this energy transition process towards a cleaner and more sustainable matrix, as distributed photovoltaic technology represents only 0.4% of the existing consumer units in the national territory, currently around 84.4 million. ”, comments Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR. 

Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR, adds that despite the economic instability generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, the sector continued to grow. “To give you an idea, in the first half of this year alone, the sector generated more than 47 thousand new jobs”, he highlights. 

“As it is a very dynamic market, with a strong attraction for investments, solar energy is a lever for the sustainable economic development of Brazil”, concludes Sauaia.


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Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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