Residential customers of Equatorial Piauí will have an increase of 15.81% in their electricity bill

New indices come into force from December 2nd for more than 1.4 consumer units
Novos índices entram em vigor a partir de 2 de dezembro para mais de 1,4 unidades consumidoras
Photo: Freepik

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) approved in this Tuesday (28) The tariff review from the Equatorial Piauí Distribuidora.

The new tariffs will come into effect for the distributor on Saturday (2) for approximately 1.4 million electricity consuming units in 224 municipalities in Piauí.

Check the indices for each consumption class in the table.

With the approval, residential consumers – B1 served by the company had an increase of 15.81% in their electricity bill; low voltage customers have a percentage of 16.07%; and high voltage consumers will see an increase of 9.22%.

In addition to making tariff adjustments, corresponding limits were established for the distributor's Equivalent Interruption Duration per Consumer Unit (DEC) and Equivalent Interruption Frequency per Consumer Unit (FEC) indicators, covering the range from 2024 to 2028.

“Widely discussed with the interested society through Public Consultation No. 029/2023, which received contributions between August 30th and October 13th, the topic had a face-to-face session on September 14th, in the state capital”, he stated the agency.

According to ANEEL, The factors that impacted the tariff process in question were costs related to distribution activity, sectoral charges, and others.

Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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