With solar plant, technology company will save R$ 21 million

System installed at the company, located in Blumenau (SC), will prevent the emission of 690 tons of CO² into the atmosphere
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16-12-22-canal-solar-Com usina solar, empresa de tecnologia terá economia de R$ 21 milhões
Photovoltaic system installed at WK, located in the city of Blumenau (SC). Photo: Reproduction

The use of solar energy is in the sights of small and medium-sized Brazilian companies. According to research carried out by Sebrae Sustainability Center, around 60% of SMEs intend to invest in sustainable energy, and 47% believe that photovoltaic systems are the best option.

There is no shortage of reasons for this investment: in addition to representing a large saving on the electricity bill, society has increasingly valued companies engaged in the search for sustainability, generating a competitive advantage.

It was with this in mind that the W.K., a company that develops business management software (ERP), located in Blumenau (SC), decided install solar panels to generate energy for the office.

In total, R$ 2 million were invested in the project, which, over the next 25 years, will prevent the emission of approximately 690 tons of CO² into the atmosphere – the equivalent of planting almost 5 thousand trees. Furthermore, it will represent a savings of R$ 21 million on the electricity bill.

With the modules, WK will generate 104% of the electricity consumed at the headquarters, starting to operate entirely with clean energy. Wanessa Keske, partner at the company, highlights that sustainability is one of the pillars of the organization's culture and that the project is the culmination of a series of actions in favor of the environment.

More about the project

To generate enough energy for the office, the solar panels will be installed in three stages: at the headquarters, they will be on the roof and in the parking lot. But most of it will be on a private site owned by the company's co-owner, Werner Keske. There, 600 panels will be placed, responsible for capturing 60% of the energy that will be consumed by the company.

According to WK, the project, which began to be installed in June, is already bearing fruit: the other partners also took advantage of the opportunity to implement modules in their own homes.

“Having our partners embark on the idea was really cool, because the more people have their own 'micro plant', the less environmental impact will be generated. And, in the long term, this will bring good results for society as a whole”, he emphasized.

“Solar energy is the way of the future. We need to find ways to preserve the environment, and Brazil is a country where there is always sunshine. Having an ERP completely generated with clean energy is an investment for the future – both for the company and for society”, he concluded. Vanessa.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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