Infrastructure Commission analyzes PL that regulates green hydrogen

The proposal, which has already been approved by the CMA, was discussed at a public hearing on Tuesday (27)
Comissão de Infraestrutura analisa PL que regulariza o hidrogênio verde
Public hearing took place last Tuesday (27). Photo: Edilson Rodrigues/Agência Senado

To the commissions in environment It is infrastructure discussed, together with experts, the potential and challenges to enable savings in hydrogen sustainable as source of energy in the countrys in a public hearing last Tuesday (27).

O PL (Bill) 725/2022, authored by deputy Jean Paul Prates (PT-RN) is under analysis at the CI (Infrastructure Commission). Approved by the CMA (Environment Commission), the proposal establishes that the production and distribution of hydrogen become part of the activities of the economic segment of national fuel supply.

With this, both regulation regarding supervision will be the responsibility of the ANP (National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels). In addition, the project also encourages the production of green hydrogen, produced with clean energy sources such as solar and wind.

Future of green hydrogen

Thiago Vasconcellos Barral, National Secretary for Energy Transition and Planning at the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy), explained that the federal government created a national program to identify opportunities in the hydrogen economy.

The expectation is to arrive in 2025 with the largest number of experimental plants in operation, and in 2030 with two or three large-scale projects in operation.

“Why is this so important? Because today Brazil, when we look at the rankings of institutions that carry out market analysis, Brazil appears as one of the countries with the most competitive, lowest-cost hydrogen potential in the world, but we need to demonstrate this on scale', he said.'

“One of the fundamental aspects, which we put into practice in the second half of last year, was the expansion of funding for research, development and innovation focused on hydrogen. Brazil already has more than US$ 30 billion in announced hydrogen projects and new investments are arriving in the country”, added Barral.

The secretary also spoke about the Hydrogen Legal Framework, which is currently under discussion in the National Congress. “A legal framework for Brazil is relevant to establish the bases for the exploration of natural hydrogen and also so that Brazil can count on the approval of the state to certify the quality of the hydrogen that will be produced in the country, a fundamental mechanism to support Brazilian producers in future international negotiation processes”, he pointed out.

Carlos Alexandre Principe Pires, Specialist in Public Policies and Government Management at the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, sees green hydrogen as an excellent alternative for sectors that are difficult to decarbonize, such as steelmaking, transport and cement production.

”Hydrogen is indeed an opportunity that we have to put our industry on a new footing of equality with international industrial segments. How can we do this? The so-called 'leap frog', the leap we can take, taking advantage of the opportunities that hydrogen brings us to make our industry more competitive.”

The PL that regulates the use of hydrogen will be voted on in a final decision by the Infrastructure Services Commission. If approved, it can go directly to the Chamber of Deputies.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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