How does communication with customers strengthen the brand in the solar sector?

A company that carries out good brand management obtains important advantages
canal-solar- Como a comunicação com clientes fortalece a marca no setor solar
Clear and sincere communication has never been so mandatory for a good customer-supplier relationship

Customer relationships basically consist of the positive cultivation of the relationship between the company and consumers and integrate all interactions and experiences with customers.

The greater the level of customer engagement with your company and product, the greater the value your customer perceives and the better the relationship will be. It is no different in the photovoltaic market.

Throughout the supply chain, from the manufacturer to the end consumer, clear and sincere communication, carried out through different channels, has never been so mandatory for a good customer-supplier relationship.

Marketing communication, in turn, is somewhat more comprehensive than that nurtured in the consumer relationship. Factors such as market positioning, audience definition, choice of products and areas of activity must be considered.

Branding has been a concern for large companies in the sector, through which they seek to position themselves in people's minds and hearts. In the solar energy sector, there are brands that have historically communicated well with the end customer, to the point of becoming synonymous with quality and trust.

Likewise, there are integrators across the country who earn respect in certain niches not only for their technical excellence, but for their excellent ability to add value to the brand.

A company that carries out good brand management obtains important advantages. The following strategies have been considered fundamental to quantity branding:

1) Have a clear differentiator

In order to reinforce the brand among the public, having a differentiator is important. For example, in Genyx We have the Smartflower, which in addition to being a work of art, is an exclusive item, desired even by celebrities such as actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has one in his home. Smartflower in Brazil, in turn, immediately recalls the image of Genyx.

2) Do a great study of your audience and define your personas

Persona is the illusory representation of your ideal customer. It is based on real data about the behavior and demographic characteristics of your customers. To maintain focus and direct marketing and sales investment, designing personas is an essential part of the strategy of every company operating in the solar market.

3) Develop a visual identity for the brand

Visual identity is basically the set of all visual aspects that accompany a product, company or service. There are integrators, for example, who, despite their small size, have a clear understanding of the importance of having professional-looking digital and printed materials. In the human mind, there is an intrinsic correlation between “packaging” and “content”. In other words, it is not enough to be professional, you must also appear to be.

4) Get to know the customer and bet on emotional connections

Reliability, charisma, synergy and empathy are attributes with enormous adherence to the consumer's mind. Think like the customer and communicate like them. In today's world, people buy from companies with which they have a connection of values.

5) Understand and meet your customers’ needs

This is the starting point of any sale. Providing a good experience between the public and the brand is essential for a company to achieve its sales objectives. To achieve this, it is important that managers anticipate customer expectations and needs.

6) Ask for feedback and recommendations

In the solar sector, the referral of satisfied customers remains firmly established as the most efficient acquisition method to bring new customers to integrator companies. If you performed a service that resulted in energy generation in the amount expected by the customer (or, better yet, above), that satisfied customer will be happy to recommend your company to their friends.

This reciprocity is human nature and is very powerful! Sincere feedback, in turn, is an invaluable tool for your company's growth. Listen to what the customer has to say, good or bad, about your service. If you receive it with humility and use feedback as leverage for the continuous improvement of your business, you will be a competitor like few others in the solar energy market.

Picture of Bruno Catta Preta
Bruno Catta Preta
Bruno Catta Preta, director of institutional relations at Genyx. Coordinator of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Solar Energy Association) in Minas Gerais. Degree in Business Administration.

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