How to store photovoltaic modules?

Instructions for Proper Storage of Solar Panels

You photovoltaic modules are essential for the functioning of a solar energy system. Using solar panels, it is possible to capture solar radiation and convert it into electrical energy.

However, there are doubts about how these products should be stored. Then the Solar Channel brings recommendations from experts and manufacturers on how to store modules and ensure their quality.

The solar module is made up of robust materials that offer a high resistance to degradation caused by exposure to an external environment, allowing the product to have an average useful life of 25 years.

Storage of photovoltaic modules

According to the manual BYD, when handling the product, the following guidelines must be respected:

  1. Modules must be stored in BYD packaging;
  2. Using the original packaging, the permitted stacking is 1 unit with up to 28 modules;
  3. It is necessary to keep the packaging positioned horizontally, in flat and covered places – to protect against adverse weather conditions;
  4. After removing the modules from the packaging, they must be kept in a safe, dry, ventilated place and keep the MC4 connectors connected;
  5. Avoid impacts or direct presence of sunlight or artificial light.

Still for BYD, in the static stacking, it is recommended to use a maximum of 28 modules. And in this process it is necessary to maintain alignment and use spacer foams between the products.

Already the Jinko, in its manual, advises that the modules be stored in the packaging and in a cool place, without humidity and the ground level at an angle of less than 10°.

They also reinforce that should not be placed items on top of modules or of the boxes, as the example shows:

Como armazenar os módulos fotovoltaicos?
Photo: Disclosure/ Jinko

Still for Jinko, it is recommended after disassembly that the modules remain stacked on a single support and it is necessary to ensure that there is a minimum distance of 30cm between packages, as shown in the image below:

Como armazenar os módulos fotovoltaicos?
Photo: Disclosure/ Jinko

A Canadian Solar does not recommend children's entrance in the storage location of the modules, and states that it is necessary to use a controlled environment to be used in deposit in less than three months.

You connectors should receive extra protection so that they do not come into contact with humidity and sunlight, and the stacking of units must not contain more than 12 modules and they need to be horizontal, says the manufacturer.

Still according to Canadian Solar, the frames must be properly aligned and the boxes can be stacked up to two units, as long as they are placed in the horizontal, if you are in vertical cannot be stacked, as shown in the figure below:

Recomendações Canadian
Photo: Disclosure/ Canadian

The storage of these products varies depending on each company. Therefore, it is advisable to read the manual offered by the manufacturer and take the necessary precautions to preserve the quality and effectiveness of your module.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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