How to choose the appropriate fixing structure?

Several variables must be considered to assess generation potential
3 minute(s) of reading

With the expansion of the generation market of photovoltaic energy is essential to consolidation of a chain agile and efficient supply chain, capable of meet your logistics demand and increasingly dynamic technique.

In this way, component manufacturers and distributors have fundamental role as support to specify the solutions offered to its customers.

When designing a photovoltaic system, several variables must be taken into account for the assessment of energy generation potential;

  • Incidence of solar irradiation (W/m²) in the region;
  • Relief and nearby buildings that will cause shading;
  • Available area;
  • Model of photovoltaic panels;
  • Type of surface where the system will be installed;

This last characteristic will determine which manufacturer and type of fixing structure should be used. Before making your purchase, we recommend follow the itinerary below, which will provide greater efficiency, savings and quality for your project.

1st step: check the type of roof (ceramic, fiber cement, metallic, etc.) and dimensions available for installation;

2nd step: search for technical information in the manufacturer's datasheet, ensuring that the structure in question is applicable to your project;

3rd step: quantify the material according to the number of panels and technical data sheets from the structure manufacturer;

4th step: request quote with all relevant information, answering questions with the technical sales team and ensuring that the budget is consistent with the project.

Ready! Now, just choose the cheapest supplier, right? Wrong!

Let's think together: structures for Photovoltaic panels generally represent 8% of the project value. A variation of 10% in prices between one supplier and another would represent less than 1% in the final value of the project.

Although, if there is a failure in the structures, the losses can be large, leading to the famous “cheap that turned out to be expensive”.

Of course, evaluating prices is important, but we need to check other valuable criteria such as supply capacity, brand reputation in the market, manufacturer investments in new solutions, commitment to sustainability, in addition to product guarantee and service quality.

Through solid management, Solar Group makes constant investments in people, research and products to provide the best results. More than selling, we want to relate to the market.

Picture of João Amaral
João Amaral
Electrical Engineer working in the renewable energy, energy efficiency and distributed generation sector. Specialist in the area of renewable energy and efficiency from USP.
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