What do the compensation rules look like from July onwards?

The impact on the viability or otherwise of projects will depend directly on the studies and results presented by ANEEL
Mercado de energia solar tem novas regras a partir de julho
Consumers with a connection request will have 90% of TUSD Wire B not being compensated until 2031. Photo: Reproduction/WS Solar

Updated May 12

You Brazilian consumers who intend to install solar energy systems he has less than two months to take advantage of the rules current from the Law 14,300/2022.

This is because the consumers with systems up to 500 kW who file the connection request for installation of the technology by July 7, in accordance with legislation, will have 90% of Wire B from the TUSD not being compensated until 2031.

After that date, a new compensation rule to be defined by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency). Who to ask the access opinion after that you will see the new rule being applied after 2029.

For Bernardo Marangon, managing partner of Exact Energy, The indefiniteness of the new compensation rules for Agency brings concerns for the photovoltaic sector, who today finds himself without knowing what the viability of projects without studies by the Regulatory Body.

A ANEEL's definition should occur after 180 days of publication of the legislation. Although, as happened with your regulation, it should be delayed again, according to the professional.

Already Eduardo Nicol, general director of operations at Renew Energia, thinks a little differently. For him, if ANEEL studies reveal that the sector delivered more benefits than costs to the country to Charge may even be lower than what is defined today for the transition period.

“I believe that is what the study should show, if it is done in an impartial and technically correct way”, he pointed out.

know more

Understanding the Charging of Wire B provided for in Law 14,300

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Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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