How to maintain the good functioning of the photovoltaic system?

Electrical engineers explain what to consider when installing a residential solar plant
14-02-22-canal-solar-Como manter o bom funcionamento do sistema fotovoltaico
The professional must consider the weight of the panels that will be placed on the roof. Photo: Ricardo Coutinho

According to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), residential photovoltaic plants represent 4.09 GW of installed power in solar DG (distributed generation) in Brazil – which leaves this segment in 1st place in the ranking among consumption classes.

However, after acquiring the technology, how does the practical installation and maintenance work? How to maintain the good functioning of the photovoltaic system?

Sérgio Levin, electrical engineer at Ibape/SP, and electrical engineer Dirceu Ferreira, specialist in energy generation and distribution, have put together some tips to make solar truly advantageous, bringing economic and environmental benefits.

PV system installation

According to Levin, Brazil is a suitable country for the use of photovoltaic technology due to the Sun's irradiance. However, the panels must be placed at the correct angle to make the most of natural light.

Furthermore, incorrect installation can cause several problems, such as roofs collapsing, which may not be able to support the weight of the modules. Therefore, it is recommended that you hire a civil engineer to carry out the correct installation of the equipment.

“The professional must consider factors such as, for example, the weight of the panels that will be placed on the roof and whether the size of the space is really adequate. Furthermore, it is necessary for him to analyze the profile of residents, that is, how many appliances they have and how often they are used, in order to calculate the number of plates needed and also an estimate of payback”, he explained.

“Checking the electrical connections, as well as periodically monitoring the quality of the electrical signal at the connection point, such as voltage and current amplitudes, presence of harmonics and power factor, are also essential points”, added Ferreira.

Read too: How to determine the tilt angle of photovoltaic modules?
Read too: Is correcting the tilt of PV modules economically worth it?

After the project was completed, the specialist highlighted the need for approval from a concessionaire. This process is important because, although many people do not know, if the modules are poorly installed, they result in risks to the safety of people and properties.

PV system maintenance

The panels last, on average, 25 years. “If the installation is in a property that has an average monthly consumption of 180 kWh, it will be necessary to install around five panels, which already guarantees an average of 55% to 60% of savings per month”, said the Ibape engineer.

“Photovoltaic panels need to be cleaned, on average, twice a year, mainly removing dust, branches and leaves that can stick to them. It is important that residents keep an eye on construction work near their homes due to dirt, as well as heavy hailstorms and other external impacts that could damage the technology,” he highlighted.

Finally, Levin emphasized that the electrical part is essential for maintenance. “It is necessary to monitor the system’s performance and call the company responsible for the installation to carry out a check twice a year, at least”.

Ferreira shares the same idea and emphasizes the importance of planning preventive maintenance and periodic inspection of facilities. “Furthermore, it is essential to carry out inspection and preventive maintenance on all equipment and monitor the performance of electrical protections, research the causes of the actions and implement improvements and corrections in the event of unwanted situations”.

Financing of PV modules

Caixa recently launched a program aimed at implementing solar energy in Brazilian homes. O Renewable Energy Box allows you to finance the acquisition of solar panels with interest of 1.17% per month.
Furthermore, financing can be contracted via cell phone, through the Caixa Tem app. The grace period will be six months and the payment period will be five years.

Read too: Solar financing accounts for 57% of sales in 2021

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

5 Responses

  1. In the south we have a lot of hailstorms, is this covered by any insurance, if it damages the signs? Or even by the company that installed it?

  2. Plans for panel installations must be well planned with assistance from duly accredited companies and highlighting that this is a vital technology as it is clean and economically viable
    Also alerting the Linda Front staff that their new technicians will have to go through a specific course for proper installations as well as their usual maintenance,

  3. The installation of the system pays for itself in a short time, in more or less 4 years and the life of the system is over 25 years

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